Trainings and Seminars

Trainings and Seminars

KPMG conducts customizable IFRS and SFRS training for corporates to provide a clear direction of the changes and its potential impact to businesses.

Providing a clear direction and explanation of the upcoming accounting regulatory changes.

KPMG's Accounting Advisory Services (AAS) provides a wide range of IFRS and SFRS training sessions for corporates. Our trainings can be customized using a modular approach, drawing on our extensive library of basic to advanced training modules which cover all aspects of financial reporting.

Our training sessions can be held at the client’s premises, and are delivered in an interactive learning environment that is created through industry-specific case studies and electronic feedback technology to reinforce learning.

Trainers are KPMG professionals with many years of practical experience, who actively consult with Singapore and global regulators on the interpretations of accounting standards in order to give clients a clear direction and explanation of the upcoming changes and the potential impact to their businesses.

We provide a wide range of trainings, from à la carte modules to tailored in-house workshops:

  • Core IFRS modules
  • IFRS technical updates
  • Industry specific IFRS workshops
  • Company tailored in-house workshops
  • Annual accounting update


Tax benefits for accounting training Companies investing in employee training can now enjoy both tax and cash benefits under the enhanced Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme.

The enhanced PIC scheme increased the quantum of tax deduction from 250 percent to 400 percent of expenditure spent per year on each qualifying activity. This translates to a maximum of a $1.6 million tax deduction for a company's expenditure on employee trainings.

Businesses with low or no taxable income can also enjoy benefits under the enhanced scheme. Besides tax deduction benefits, companies can apply to convert its expenditure on employee training into a non-taxable cash payout instead.


Success stories

Client needs How KPMG helped Outcomes
One of the world's largest iron ore producer
Accounting workshop for non-accountants - Practical issues in relation to embedded derivatives.

Conducted an analysis of the current knowledge level of the client. This included an assessment of the participants' roles and responsibilities.

Detailed training curriculum developed in accordance with international accounting standards.

Assessed the training needs of the client. This process included regular discussions with the client to enhance the detailed training curriculum and development of case studies that will enable participants to have a real life application of the accounting standard.

Developed customized training materials and case studies. The customized training materials and case studies provided were detailed and guided the participants after the training.

Participants were equipped with basic accounting knowledge on embedded derivatives to work collaboratively with the finance function.
Singapore financial institution regulatory body
Training program on complex financial instruments.

Performed an analysis of the current issues on the topic as requested by the client.

Developed training curriculum with a focus on the practical application of the issues.

Assessed the training requirements of the client. We conducted regular meetings with the client’s project manager to ensure that the topics covered in the curriculum were comprehensive and relevant.

Developed real life cases studies and provided step-by-step actual mathematical calculations of the cases so participants will know how to apply the theoretical concepts in the accounting standards.

Provided training delivery for a wide range of audiences.

Provided course evaluation reports for all classes/runs.

Participants were mindful of the key risk areas impacting the financial statements.

Participants gained an understanding of the standard setters' perspective and how they shape accounting through discussions on lessons learned from past events and incidents such as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).

Participants found the discussion on the practical application of the issues relevant to their responsibilities.

Singapore publicly listed shipping company
Training on selected accounting standards including recent accounting standards on the horizon - ease accounting and financial instruments.

Assessed the training needs of the client. This process included regular discussions with the client to enhance the relevance of the training curriculum.

Delivered the training in an interactive learning environment using learning tools and aids that reinforced the fundamental concepts.

Provided course evaluation reports for all classes/runs.

Participants were kept up-to-date on the latest developments and the impact of such developments on the business going forward.

Participants learned the differences in the information required for financials due to changes in the accounting standards.

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