Cyber incidents are inevitable, costly impacts are optional

Cyber incidents are a harsh reality in today's digital landscape. No matter the size, industry or reputation of an organisation, it is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The consequences of such incidents can be devastating, leading to significant operational disruptions, financial losses and reputational damage.

As cyber threats continue to grow in both volume and sophistication, and technology plays an increasingly pivotal role in business operations, leaders are recognising the critical importance of cyber security. In a recent global survey by KPMG, a staggering 77% of CEOs worldwide identified information security as a top concern.

To safeguard against the costly impacts of cyber-attacks, businesses must be proactive and prepared. It is essential to have a well-defined incident response plan in place, one that is not merely a document but also thoroughly exercised and tested. 

Achieve cyber preparedness with us

Our team of specialists assists organisations in boosting cyber security competence across three phases of any cyber incident to enable prompt containment, investigation, mitigation and recuperation.

1. Prepare

To test IT systems and train people against sophisticated and
crippling cyber-attacks, we simulate scenarios in real time to
assess an organisation’s security posture.

Types of assessments

Cyber-attack simulations focusing on technical aspects of the incident response process, including identifying the source and type of attack and implementing technical countermeasures to mitigate impact

Designed for technical personnel such as cyber security analysts, IT support staff and network administrators

Cyber-attack simulations that assess how decision-makers react to cyber incidents from a business perspective, from the way they communicate with stakeholders to critical decisions made to minimise impact

Designed for senior executives typically part of an organisation's crisis management team

Red, blue and purple team exercises that simulate real-life cyber-attacks to locate weaknesses, improve information security and maximise the effectiveness of defenses

red blue purple team

Gap analysis and risk assessment of an organisation’s ability and readiness to prevent, detect and respond to threats through a rounded view of people, process and technology

Comprehensive proactive scans of critical systems to detect backdoors and security vulnerabilities. Crucial to the security of an organisation’s assets and required under the CCoP

2. Respond

When a breach occurs, we conduct investigations to quickly triage,
contain and remediate the incident.

Our services

These include uncovering, assessing and remediating malicious activity and their impact on business IT systems and environments

Coordinating information, technical response structures and incident decision-making across business functions

Set and maintain best practices for your organisation throughout duration of incident response process

Monitoring systems for ongoing threat actor activities

Assisting with risk-mitigating actions to reduce impact of a cyber incident on business operations

3. Recover

In the event of a crisis, prompt recovery is crucial to limit damage
to your company’s operations and minimise downtime.

We can help to:

Implement systems and processes to maintain business operations or resume them quickly in the event of a crisis or emergency, such as malicious encryption by ransomware or data wiping

A subset of business continuity planning that focuses on recovering IT infrastructure and systems in cases of data loss, data corruption or service disruption

We provide long-term risk mitigation and a holistic, adaptive strategy that aligns with your business strategy, aimed at delivering sustained value

Why choose KPMG’s cyber security services?

In addition to extensive technical knowledge, we possess considerable industry and sector-specific experience. Our cyber security proficiency encompasses the following key areas:

  • Financial services
  • Government and businesses that employ operational technology (such as utilities, energy, manufacturing)

KPMG’s global network of professional firms grants access to a breadth and depth of knowledge and capabilities, enabling us to couple local expertise with global perspectives for our clients.  

Recognised leader in cyber security

  • KPMG in Singapore named Microsoft Singapore Security Partner of the Year 2023

  • Rated by Forrester as a notable vendor in Cyber Risk Quantification Landscape, Q4 2022

Our full suite of services

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