Strategy and Operations

Strategy and Operations

Provide support for difficult operations and tasks that are either not part of your core business or you have a challenge resourcing for

Strategy and Operations

Operational Strategy

A strong strategic focus is critical to an organization’s growth and success. Yet, many strategies are not sufficiently robust, lack clarity and are difficult to implement. Under such circumstances, operational efficiency and effectiveness are invariably impacted.

In order to successfully support your organization’s strategic business objectives and financial goals, you will need to develop and implement an efficient and effective operation and our Strategy & Operations (S&O) team can help you achieve this.

The breadth of S&O capabilities across our network of member firms also allows us to assist you with broad enterprise transformation and operational effectiveness strategies. Our ability to rapidly analyze opportunities is supported by KPMG’s Private Equity Lens methodology and the insights we share are external, highly analytical perspectives on ways to reshape your organization.


Supply Chain

Consumers and regulators’ expectations of an organization’s ability to manage environmental, social, ethical and safety issues throughout its supply chain are increasing, regardless of the industry these organizations are in. There is also growing pressure on securing a continued supply as disruptions in the chain could potentially threaten sustainable growth.

Our team is able to analyze and identify improvements to your value chain, and can deliver customized strategies that help create value for your organization. We can assist you in unlocking the opportunities for cost reduction, revenue growth, reputation enhancement and risk management within your supply chain. Additionally, our multi-disciplinary team can:

  • design and deliver customized supply chain strategies that create value for your organization
  • conduct supply chain diagnostics and optimization (from demand to supply)
  • help you achieve forecast-to-fulfill optimization (improving Delivered In-Full, On-Time/ On-Time In-Full )
  • design Lean Six Sigma business transformation (including services, business support function, office and manufacturing shop floor transformation)
  • structure for working capital and cash flow optimization
  • provide advice and assist with implementation of sales and operations, supply chain operations reference and third-party logistics. 


Managed Services

Our managed services team specializes in operations such as lean processed and automation. They provide support for difficult operations and tasks that are either not part of your core business or you have a challenge resourcing for. In addition, specialists within the team can guide you on regulatory requirements and seeing to that policies and procedures are adequate. The team is also versed in in the compliance space as well as

  • Trade surveillance: temporarily supplement your team or take on the task for you
  • Transaction monitoring: work with your existing systems and supplement teams on a temporary basis to minimize backlog
  • Client on-boarding /file renewal: supplement existing in-house teams to minimize backlog or work on client on-boarding .


Financial Services Training

The banking industry is facing many challenges stemming from increased competition, economic downturn or volatility, regulatory requirements and pressures, technological advances or disruptors and geo-political unrest.

Our objective is to assist your bank’s client-facing teams to grow profitably in this challenging environment . We work with you to understand your bank’s needs, identify opportunities and develop tailored sales enablement programs.

The programs we design will help your client-facing teams transition from bankers to trusted client advisors and these programs can be tailored for a given market, geography or industry. Each program is based on the latest research and best practices, and the sessions are facilitated by ex-bankers who also serve as subject matter experts when we develop the programs.

  • put bankers in the shoes of the client to help them understand their clients’ needs and challenges
  • share the latest insights from KPMG Global Advisory teams to enhance bankers understanding of business best practices their clients should be adopting in each area of their business
  • guide bankers on how to utilize the latest KPMG tools and research to spot warning signs and triggers that could lead to opportunities or risks for the bank
  • show bankers how to convert opportunities into banking solutions that meet their clients’ needs
  • equip bankers with the skills and knowledge to escalate discussions within the company and differentiate client offerings

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