Digital Trust

Digital Trust

Help you assess, manage, and remediate IT-related risks

Help you assess, manage, and remediate IT-related risks

Today’s organizations face increased oversight pressures and mounting challenges from an ever-evolving regulatory environment. The balancing act between managing emerging and persistent risks and fulfilling business priorities of revenue growth and cost savings are putting a strain on limited resources.

In the face of these challenges, managing Digital risk and compliance has become even more critical as failures can lead to reputational damage, customer and market valuation loss, and an increase in privacy issues and high-profile legal exposure. It is therefore crucial for businesses to enhance their controls over digital and technology in order to manage these risks appropriately and function reliably.


How we can help:

KPMG’s Digital Trust professionals appreciate that beyond managing Digital-related risks, organizations are also looking to turn risks into opportunities to drive sustainable business value. We can help you assess, manage, and remediate Digital-related risks as well as develop approaches to demonstrate effective compliance through governance and controls, data integrity, security and privacy, and supplier management. For example, we can help your organization:

  • understand and manage Digital and emerging risks, and the impact on the business
  • gain efficiency in audit and compliance activities
  • provide confidence to the market with transparency of control environment
  • evaluate digital and IT projects to identify key threats to project success
  • improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Digital-enabled business processes and controls
  • assure performance of outsourced service providers


Our key services include:

  • Digital risk governance: Identifying digital risks that threaten the business. These include implementation and governance of emerging technologies such as intelligent automation / robotics process automation, Blockchain, cloud, IOT and mobile devices.
  • Project assurance: Providing assistance to ensure success in digital projects. This includes independent health-checks at any point of time in the project, project resource augmentation and testing services, and project and portfolio management services.
  • Data analytics – risk and audit: Analyses, re-computations, anomaly/outlier detection and calculations in support of risk management and audit. This includes translating data structures and relationships for internal and external audit teams so as to provide
  • IT attestation: Providing formal assurance reports on systems, processes and controls. This includes reports issued under both local and international standards such as ISAE 3402 (Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organization), and others.
  • IT internal audit and risk assessments: Providing specialist IT skills to complement internal audit teams, including guiding senior management through a structured risk assessment process, so that resources are prioritized to address and manage the highest technology risk areas first.
  • Controls advisory (including SoX 404, statutory audits, ISAE 3402 and PCI DSS): Readiness reviews and assessments of your current control environment to identify gaps and improvement areas to help you achieve outcomes (such as certifications in the above mentioned areas). We also provide assistance in the review and drafting of IT policies and procedures.
  • Evidence Act: We are a Certifying Authority appointed by Ministry of Law under the Evidence (Computer Output) Regulations 1996 for Singapore and are qualified to provide Evidence Act assessment and certification services.


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