If your question is not listed, please contact us

Report a data breach, complaint or fake message

We provide high-quality services to all our customers. Do you have a complaint, comment or suggestion? Please communicate this to us verbally or in writing. View the complete overview of our  complaints procedure here

We put great emphasis on maintaining the security levels of all our systems and data. We believe that good security is crucial to ensure the trust of all our customers and employees. As a result, we continuously focus on improving our security. You can report a data breach or vulnerability by sending an email to datalek@kpmg.nl.

We try to detect and block fake messages or websites as soon as possible. You can help us with this by particularly watching out for phishing emails. Please do not open the message and do not click on the attachment or links in the email. You can report a fake message by sending an email to security@kpmg.nl.

Job application, internship or thesis/study assignment

We are always looking for new talents. We regularly have new vacancies, and we also invite working students or interns to apply. Check out our vacancies on werkenbijkpmg.nl/en.

For study-related questions, you can contact our Recruitment Center. Please send an email to recruitment@kpmg.nl or call: +31 20 656 7070.

A good preparation is half the battle. Our application procedure consists of several elements and can differ per vacancy. View our complete application process here.

Apply for sponsorship/partnership

Working on progress is in our DNA. It is the driving force that helps us resolve complex business issues. However, this is not only limited to the services we provide to our clients. Read more about our social impact here.

KPMG sponsors in a number of areas and we are happy to discuss the possibilities with you. Please send an email to our Corporate Responsibility team at NL-FMCorporateResponsibility@kpmg.nl.

For study-related requests, you can contact our Recruitment Center. Please send an email to recruitment@kpmg.nl or call:  +31 20 656 7070.

Press and media

You can contact Silvia Pilger, who will handle all media related questions such as requests from journalists regarding interviews, recordings and footage. You can contact Silvia on telephone number: + 31 6 5573 4724.

You can view our latest press releases here. If you would like to receive more background information about our projects, publications or services, or if you perhaps have another media-related question, please contact Silvia Pilger on telephone number: +31 6 5573 4724.


Through the KPMG Alumni Program we offer you an opportunity to stay in touch with former colleagues and help you further in your career. In doing so we continue to stay in touch, inspire and empower each other. For more information, please visit our alumni page. If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Netjes or Marcel van Spijk via email: nl-fmalumni@kpmg.nl.

The association organizes annual meetings for members and their partners, close to the office locations in the six regions where members used to work. These meetings are special events where one can meet his or her former colleagues again. For more information, please check out the Pensioners Association page.

Events and trainings

KPMG supports organizations in improving their performance with events on current topics. In addition, we also offer a wide range of (annually returning) trainings. Check out the overview pages if you wish to attend an upcoming event or training:

We offer you the possibility to watch various events/webinars again on demand. For further questions please contact our Events team via events@kpmg.nl.


KPMG RAAD is a program designed for commissioners, supervisors and board members. The program consists of a magazine and an online platform where the latest, relevant insights and experiences are shared. Additionally, KPMG organizes several events through this program in which urgent topics for the boardroom are being highlighted. For more information check out the KPMG RAAD Board Program and if you have any questions please contact Elle Eissens: + 31 20 656 8690 or by email: raad@kpmg.nl.

About us

The abbreviation KPMG stands for the first letters of the surname of the four founders of the company: Pieter Klynveld, William Barclay Peat, James Marwick and Reinhard Goerdeler. The stories behind KPMG’s genesis in the four original firms illustrate the rich history of our company and developments over the past century. Read more about our history here

KPMG has a large number of offices spread across the Netherlands. As a result, there is always an office near you. For the complete list please visit our overview page and select a location for the particular address. We are also active outside the Netherlands. An overview of all our international offices can be found here.  

For KPMG, inclusion and diversity are simultaneously business and moral requirements. Our people are the key to progress. The diverse composition of our teams makes them more innovative and means they are able to achieve more. We therefore have five important shared pillars within KPMG: gender equality, cultural and international equality, LGBTQ+, capacity for work and equality between generations. You can read more about our diversity and inclusion here.

For our business services, we often use abbreviations (or technical terms) referring to different industries. We understand that these abbreviations are not familiar to everyone. We therefore have made a glossary of the most frequently used abbreviation, which can be found here

Request for proposal

If you would like to receive a proposal or if you have questions regarding our services, please contact our proposal team via email: offerte@kpmg.nl.

If you have any tax-related questions, please contact KPMG Meijburg & Co, our tax advisory branch. Please visit meijburg.com for more information.