Working on progress is in our DNA. It is the driving force that helps us solve complex issues. That is not just limited to the services we offer our clients. We promote smarter education within and outside KPMG, because we believe that good training is the best way to strengthen the economy and our society. We actively work to reduce our own carbon footprint with the goal of halving our total CO2 emissions. Read more about our social impact below.

Working on progress every day

Every day, we work to deliver progress and growth for our clients. We do so across numerous subjects, in different sectors and both within and outside the public domain. Whether it's care, sustainability or education: we have the motivation and expertise to solve problems around these kinds of social issues.

KPMG as a knowledge campus

We encourage our people to get the best out of themselves. We do so with training, personal development programmes, ‘learning on the job’ and of course by offering them the best workplace – in the office and at home.

We are proud of helping people to develop. It makes no difference whether the individual is just starting out or is an experienced professional. We are here as a knowledge campus for everyone. Everyone reaps the benefits from that, within KPMG and outside. That too is people-driven progress.

You can read more about our people here.

Smarter education for everyone

Investing in education is the best way to strengthen the economy and society in the long term. Which is why we have developed education programmes and why our CEO is actively involved in the NL2025 programme in the area of education.

When selecting which social projects to support, ‘lifelong learning’ is key. As such, we are pursuing the United Nations’ Global Goals, ‘Quality Education’ in particular.

KPMG Jan Hommen Scholarship The KPMG Jan Hommen Scholarship is for talented intermediate vocational (MBO) students who can use a helping hand. We support these students for up to four years with a bursary worth €2500 per year. The selection takes place in the form of a traineeship, in which dozens of students are motivated and trained to develop their talents to the full.  You can read more about the Jan Hommen Scholarship on this page.

Refugee Finance Academy Finding a job as a refugee is not easy. In order to build a bridge between Dutch employers and refugees who want to work, we have partnered with the Refugee Talent Hub. The Refugee Finance Academy is a training programme for people with financial talent who came to the Netherlands as refugees. Over the course of five months, we help them take their first steps in the Dutch labour market.

Opportunities for all children Every child has talent. That includes hundreds of thousands of Dutch children who grow up in an environment where few opportunities are available. That's why we have joined forces with JINC. They are dedicated to creating a society in which a child's background does not determine their future. In the JINC programme, children are introduced to the disciplines we offer, they discover what kind of work suits them and we teach them digital skills and how to apply for a job.

KPMG’s art collection

KPMG’s art collection is held by a foundation under Dutch law: Stichting Kunstcollectie KPMG. This foundation offers young talented artists a stage by purchasing their art works and exhibiting them in KPMG’s offices. The purpose is to make art accessible to everyone, to promote creativity on the work floor and to support the cultural sector.

The key starting point for purchasing works of art is that the art has to be contemporary and created by promising young artists who have a relationship with the Netherlands. Furthermore, the works of art must reflect KPMG’s core values. The quality of the works, in relation to our criteria, is leading. The collection consists of a wide range of art forms, including photography, graphic works, oil paintings and video art, and comprises some 600 works of art, on display across all of KPMG’s offices.

Click here to read more about KPMG’s art collection.

Reducing our carbon footprint

We have been CO2 neutral for 10 years because we offset our emissions. Our goal is to halve our total CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2019. We are working to achieve that with a flexible mobility policy designed to make cycling, electric cars and public transport more accessible. Our procurement is sustainable because we assess our suppliers based on Social Return on Investment and reducing the ecological footprint of the services they provide to us.

We have committed ourselves to the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations, focusing on three themes: Well-being, Quality of Education and Climate Action.


Our advisory and accountancy services put us at the heart of society. As such, we want to add social value with every assignment. This means, for example, that we now only perform statutory auditing services for the tobacco industry on request and exclusively consider advisory assignments for those companies – again only on request – that explicitly improve their social impact. In doing so, we are leading the way within our international network.