KPMG has been in existence for more than a century and has its roots in the Netherlands. A hundred years with a single connecting thread: ‘Inspire Confidence. Empower Change’. We have always responded to ever-changing needs with new services. What has never changed is our role in providing confidence for our clients and facilitating responsible and successful entrepreneurship. After the opening of our first office in 1917 on Herengracht in Amsterdam, more locations in the Netherlands quickly followed. Today we still have a regional presence in the Netherlands with twelve offices, while also being part of a worldwide network. What strikes you immediately when you walk into one of our offices today is the wide diversity of people and backgrounds and the low average age. You will find an open culture in which the philosophy of founding fathers Pieter Klijnveld and Jaco Kraaijenhof, ‘Be close to your client’ and ‘Quality first’, is still at the heart of the KPMG culture.

Tijdlijn van onze geschiedenis

Pieter Klijnveld

The ‘K’ in KPMG comes from Klijnveld. We're proud of that. In 1917, Pieter Klijnveld set up an accountancy practice in Amsterdam that would become known under the name Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co. They were turbulent times, both politically and economically. In this climate, Klijnveld faced the challenge of building a viable business. He succeeded by offering a combination of auditing and advice, giving priority to training employees and learning best practices. A unique concept in that time. Klijnveld generally focused on ambitious young men and women. His credo was great professional freedom and a strong internal training offer in order to prepare young employees for their accountancy exams. Our founder’s social engagement lives on in the Klijnveld Fund which he established and which provides employees with financial support in times of crisis.

The founders

The abbreviation KPMG stands for the first letters of the four founders. The stories behind KPMG’s genesis in the four original firms illustrate the rich history of our company and developments over the past century.

De oprichters

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