Change Management

Change Management

We efficiently assist clients in the implementation of their change projects thanks to our BCM

We efficiently assist clients in the implementation of their change projects thanks to...

We efficiently assist clients in the implementation of their change projects thanks to our BCM (behavioural change management) methodology, which provides concrete tools and a holistic and highly adaptable approach. Here are some of our activities and insights with respect to change management:

  • About 70% of transformation initiatives fail, mostly resulting in a lack of buy-in and engagement from the employees. Change management has therefore become crucial alongside traditional project management approaches in order to ensure a smooth and sustainable transition of people’s mindsets. Be it in the framework of a technological transformation, an outsourcing decision, an internal reorganisation, or a regulatory change, our change management methodology places the impact of change on people at the heart of the projects we work on, thus ensuring their success and sustainability. The value we add lies on the consideration we give to the wide range of reactions of people towards change, the need to explain the benefits and impacts for them, the strong and early implication of all layers of management in the process of change, and of course our ability to offer a fully customised approach to change management based on the specificities and business culture of each organisation.
  • As a matter of fact, cultural change has also become a major working area for our People & Change team. We offer our clients assistance in the redefinition of their business culture in order to ensure that the values and behaviours it carries are fully lived by employees and aligned with the overall business strategy of the firm. Our People & Change team works on the dilemmas arising between the values and ambitions of organisations, helping them reach their strategic goals through their people.

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