Protect personal data and maintain compliance with our Data Protection solutions

Our experts are here to support your business in navigating through the complex regulatory landscape and find the right solution that supports your business while respecting the fundamental human right to privacy.

What is data protection and why is it crucial?

Data protection is an important concern for organizations as advances in technology have led to increased collection and processing of personal data, which has also resulted in an increase in data breaches and cyber attacks.

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers both data privacy and data security, with data privacy being about protecting personal information and data security primarily concerned with ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Effective data protection capabilities are crucial in building and maintaining trust as the world becomes more connected and complex.

Helping organizations address their data protection issues

Data protection challenges can be categorized as external or internal. External challenges arise from the rapid evolution of technology and the need to stay economically relevant, leading to the need for organizations to constantly monitor related threats and risks and adapt their environment accordingly. Internal challenges come from operating in a challenging economic and regulatory environment, and organizations must find effective ways to implement data protection measures with limited resources while also avoiding negative impacts on critical digitization projects or employees' privacy rights.

Typical challenges are:

  • Overlooking or discovering privacy risks too late during digital transformation
  • Increased regulatory oversight and exposure to fines
  • Lack of awareness of individuals' data rights
  • Incomplete understanding of data processing landscape and regulatory requirements
  • Use of tactical workarounds to meet minimum thresholds, jeopardizing future setups
  • Overly cautious approach leading to missed opportunities and reduced competitiveness
  • Lack of internal expertise to meet requirements such as mandatory Data Protection Impact Assessments and transparency disclosures
  • Uncertain environment due to lack of stable best practices


Powering business growth, transformation and trust

At KPMG, we provide comprehensive solutions to support your organization's data protection needs. Our solutions are based on three main pillars: assess, transform and operate. We understand that data protection is a critical concern for organizations, particularly those that handle sensitive customer data such as personal identification, financial information and health records.

Our experienced team, led by a director with 15 years of experience in Information Risk Management, Information Governance and Data Protection, is here to help you navigate this complex landscape. Our approach includes conducting comprehensive assessments to identify risks and vulnerabilities, transforming your data protection policies and procedures to meet regulatory requirements, and operating your data protection program with the necessary expertise and support.

Our goal is to ensure that your organization is not only compliant with data protection regulations but also able to maintain the trust of your customers and stakeholders.


Christophe Buschmann


KPMG in Luxembourg


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How KPMG can help

  • Assess

    Understand where you stand and what needs to be done

  • Transform

    Implement or improve a sustainable and effective framework

  • Operate

    Provide specialist capabilities where it is needed

We believe that as the world becomes more connected and complex effective data protection capabilities will become a critical element for creating and maintaining trust – and thus business critical.

Christophe Buschman, Director, KPMG Luxembourg

  • Assess

  • Transform

  • Operate


Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

  • A DPIA helps organizations identify and assess potential risks associated with a particular data processing activity.
  • Our DPIA services include ad-hoc advice, managing the entire DPIA process, assisting your DPO, helping you structure the DPIA into meaningful building blocks, and setting up a recurring review process to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements and demonstrate accountability.

Gap and maturity assessment

  • Our services include conducting a thorough gap assessment and providing a detailed mitigation plan to address the identified gaps, as well as supporting the implementation of the plan with customized best practices for data protection controls specific to your unique situation.

Policy, procedure, controls review

  • We offer services to assist organizations in compliance with GDPR by reviewing policies and procedures to determine their effectiveness in addressing identified data protection risks, and by helping to review the operating effectiveness of processes and controls to ensure compliance with the principle of accountability.
  • We can also assist in setting up and improving regular policy or procedure reviews conducted by internal teams and/or provide qualified staff to work under the supervision of the organization.


Policy, process, controls design and implementation

  • We offer services to help organizations define a data protection governance framework, design and implement policies, procedures and controls, and implement GDPR-compliant organizational or technological change programs. Our approach is to ensure that data protection is integrated into the core activities of organizations, contributing to their sustainable growth and success.

Outsourcing support

  • Our team can assist organizations with establishing relationships with service providers in compliance with GDPR requirements and conducting Transfer Impact Assessments for international data transfers if required.

Binding corporate rules (BCR)

  • Our team can assist you in designing and implementing Binding Corporate Rules and submitting them to the relevant authorities for approval.

GDPR certification services

  • Our team can provide insights into available schemes, assess their advantages and disadvantages, and guide organizations in their certification strategy.

DPO as a service

  • The GDPR requires organizations to implement data protection frameworks to ensure compliance, including analyzing DPIAs, monitoring procedures and responding to consultations. The role of the DPO is critical, but many organizations struggle to find qualified candidates, or they don’t have the critical mass to have a full time DPO. We offer operational support to help organizations overcome these challenges. This includes providing experienced staff to support teams or taking on specific tasks independently.

Preliminary consultation

  • The DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment) is mandatory in certain cases and may require consultation with the supervisory authority if there is a high risk to data subjects even with mitigating measures. We offer DPIA support services to ensure that the DPIA conducted is fit for purpose and suitable for the consultation process. We can also assist with completing the DPIA, support during consultation, and assist in the implementing any specific mitigation measures required by the CNPD.

Data breach notification and mitigation

  • When a data breach occurs, organizations must assess the level of risk and determine whether it is necessary to notify the supervisory authority and data subjects. We provide dedicated support to review and challenge your data breach notification, assess its adequacy, and coordinate the notification process with the appropriate supervisory authorities.

Investigation assistance

  • The GDPR has shifted from prior authorization to the principle of accountability, making organizations responsible for implementing data protection principles and demonstrating compliance to supervisory authorities. Our team can assist organizations in preparing for investigations by helping them collect and process relevant information, and develop remediation plans to address any gaps in their data protection framework that are identified during the investigation.

Complaints management

  • The GDPR grants data subjects extensive data protection rights and effective tools to enforce those rights, which organizations must comply with or risk facing complaints from the supervisory authority. Our team can assist organizations in handling complex data protection requests from data subjects and help them demonstrate compliance to the supervisory authority, but we cannot provide legal advice and our assistance will be limited to fact-finding and regulatory interpretation.