IT Advisory Services

IT Advisory Services

KPMG’s IT advisory professionals help clients to align IT operations to strategic and financial business objectives

KPMG’s IT Advisory professionals help clients to align IT operations to strategic and...

An effective, well-managed IT system is one of the most valuable business advantages an organization can secure. The right technology, implemented properly, appropriately managed and monitored, can lead to significant gains in growth and efficiency. It is essential to get sound business advice to ensure technology risks are managed. IT is challenging to get right and expensive to get wrong — not only in terms of money spent, but also in lost efficiency and potential regulatory infringements.


How we can help

We work with clients to analyze business technology issues within their businesses. A client might approach us for assistance with:


Developing an appropriate IT strategy We work with clients to develop a clear IT strategy that fully supports their business objectives
Optimize the IT function By reviewing the scope of activities of the IT department, and properly re-architecting the way it operates in order to serve the business, we can help optimize its functioning, and therefore help our clients reduce costs
Sourcing  We offer guidance on the most appropriate strategies for outsourcing IT services, and ensure that effective controls are implemented
Select and implement IT systems We help our clients select the software package best suited to their needs, in full independence and objectivity, and implement it in a professional, efficient, and cost-effective manner

Data Management & Governance

We define and help setup within the organization of our clients a full data governance strategy, including the creation of the new management role of Chief Data Officer

Cyber security

We help our clients prevent damaging network attacks, by assessing network weaknesses, then proposing appropriate measures in order to strenghten the exposed part of their IT infrastructure


We are not tied to any hardware or software suppliers. As a result, our advice is independent and geared to the specific needs of each client. We understand the need to keep pace with technology and take advantage of the tremendous opportunities offered by technological innovation, but we are also aware of the risks involved and the responsibility at the Board level to control these risks.


Global capabilities

Increasingly, with the global nature of many organizations, we are aware of the need to develop innovative solutions that are repeatable and easily distributable. As a global organization ourselves, we are able to provide global support where necessary.

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