Data management: from concept to implementation

Data management: from concept to implementation

Chief Data Officer challenges and tasks

Data management initiatives appeared as a result of issues in development of data warehouse — Data is constantly in flux, ineffectively governed, and often incorrect or incomplete.  — Disparate systems sprawled across the global enterprise promote redundancy, reflect differing standards and processes, and contribute to unnecessary costs and compromised quality — Insufficient support within the organization; not everyone who is important in a business understands the importance of correct and reliable data — Majority of remedies doesn’t have immediate impact and costs significant effort — Correction of the current issues require uneasy tasks such as corporate culture changes, architecture changes, processes refinement. KPMG offers services in solving CDO challenges and tasks by consulting on increasing the efficiency of past investments and scheduling future objectives. We offer services in creation, management, control and development of information environment for assistance in receiving tangible business profits.

Data management: from concept to implementation

Correct data management strategy can help your organization work effectively, optimize costs, manage risks. Our analysis of analytics processes and tools can help realize the vision on BI and data quality management. Services in this area include: — Implementation of your strategy; — Designing Business Intelligence & Data Management Governance model; — Handling change requirements taken on Business Intelligence & Data Management programs; — Mapping of business processes with data management process; — Getting the support for Business Intelligence & Data Management program changes by strong business cases development; — Assessing, implementing, and configuring the organization and technologies to enable Business Intelligence & Data Management; — Increasing efficiency of data quality management; — Designing roadmap for further development of BI and data management; — Creating data models and data delivery diagrams; — Designing data management strategy.

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