Data and Analytics

Data and Analytics

Business intelligence tools have been around for decades. Many organizations have invested millions in solutions to increase visibility and speed up reporting – with mixed success. However, even superficial analysis shows that current solutions: — are too expensive generating excessive costs; — are too complicated making users struggle to find the content they need; — lack transparency as nobody understands the content in the same way as the others; — are inflexible as users requirements are met late or never; — are messy as the outputs are unreliable. KPMG offers services in solving CDO challenges and tasks by consulting on increasing the efficiency of past investments and scheduling future objectives. We offer services in creation, management, control and development of information environment for assistance in receiving tangible business profits.

Data and Analytics

During the data analysis process, it is important to understand what company’s business-units truly need, what methods should be used, who is the main consumer of analytical results and what data is needed for implementation of effective changes. Our specialists combine deep experience in various industries and knowledge of leading methods in the field of analytics. KPMG professionals can help you: — improve client experience management; — reduce costs of client services; — increase customer acquisition success and increase loyalty of current customers; — improve understanding of client portfolio and increase its profitability; — decrease credit risks associated with certain groups of clients; — solve tasks that require analysis of big data; — choose correct pricing policy for company products.


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