Diagnostics of the accounting accurateness

Diagnostics of the accounting accurateness

Diagnostics (audit) of the accounting accurateness and the correctness of the tax liabilities payment

KPMG project example for a client in Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals.

Diagnostics (audit) of the accounting accurateness and the correctness of the tax liabilities payment


An international manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.

Client Challenge

The сlient asked KPMG for the diagnostics (tax audit) of the accounting accurateness and the correctness of the tax liabilities payment in order to reveal tax risks and/or possibilities for tax economy.

KPMG Response

KPMG specialists analyzed the compliance with the requirements to the primary documents and analyzed whether the tax liabilities were accrued correctly.

As a result of tax diagnostics (tax audit) the client received the impartial evaluation on the company’s compliance with the tax legislation as well as the analyses on the revealed tax risks and possibilities for tax economy (including KPMG recommendations on required actions for tax risks mitigation/tax economy).


The approach of KPMG to achieve practical results and the high qualification of the KPMG specialists that are experts in the healthcare & pharmaceuticals industry are the reasons why the clients highly appreciate KPMG services quality.  


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