Recruitment tips

Recruitment tips

Learn more about selection process for students and graduates at KPMG.

Learn more about selection process for students and graduates at KPMG.


You are one of the candidates who have a chance to experience perhaps the most interesting part of the recruitment process.

Prepare decent CV:

  1. Make sure it is easily read, is well set out, and has all the information your potential employer needs.
  2. Be honest – do not exaggerate.
  3. Include in your CV your objective – just one or two sentences that explain what job you want and why.

Detailed interview preparation is the backbone of your success. How to cope? Follow these steps:

  1. Research the company (you may visit the website, read brochures, articles in newspapers and magazines, question your friends who are working there, if any, etc.). It will help you gain a better understanding of the firm.
  2. Think about examples from your life which may be used at the interview. They should emphasise your achievements and unique points. Remember that everything you present during the interview will be considered part of your real personality. The interviewer does not know you. Be honest, but do not forget to highlight your strengths.
  3. Read your application once again (do not forget to copy it before sending it to the company).
  4. Be committed to this job! Know why you want a career in this field. Think about questions that you would like to ask. If the interviewer gives you time for it, you will have a chance to raise any issues you may be curious about.
  5. Remember that recruitment is a bilateral process, and both sides are trying to decide whether they are interested in cooperation.


What to do to overcome pre-interview stress:

  1. Have you prepared for the interview? Still feeling not very confident? It is natural to be nervous, and sometimes it is even good because it can help you concentrate harder. Try not to be overwhelmed by your nervousness.
  2. Be yourself! Go to the cinema, read books, meet your friends and do not think about the interview all the time.
  3. Take a step back and be realistic. What happens if you fail? Whether you do or do not get this job, you have gained some valuable experience and a better knowledge of the labor market. Next time you can make good use of it.

Useful tips for the interview day:

  1. Arrive a few minutes earlier, do not be late!
  2. Look professional: dressing appropriately, maintaining eye contact and taking care with your body language are key factors in making a good impression.
  3. Listen. This is an important ability, which not everyone possesses.
  4. Clarify the question. If you do not really understand what the interviewer means, ask for clarification and answer accordingly. Stick to the question.
  5. Smile! It naturally raises your confidence.
  6. Accept a drink (tea/coffee/water). It gives you something to do during gaps in the conversation. Try to stop your hands from fiddling. Place them on your documents or your drink.
  7. Be natural.