AI and Innovation Technology

AI and Innovation Technology

With constant innovation and evolution of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology became an integral part of core technologies of Internet

With constant innovation and evolution of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With constant innovation and evolution of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology became an integral part of core technologies of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. Additionally, with the development of crypto currencies, its underlying technology, block chain, is also catching the eyes of the public. Exchanging crypto currencies for digital currencies is also becoming a feasible avenue of financing for start-ups and enterprises. There is an increasing emphasis on issues such as Initial Coin Offering (ICO) supervision, money laundering in digital token exchanges, and cybersecurity from each nation. In the field of digital token offering and circulation, compliance with regulatory authorities is a crucial element that cannot be ignored. Aside from offerings of digital tokens, people have started to advocate for Security Tokens Offering (STO) that comply with security exchange laws of each nation in order to stimulate growth of the market. This firm consolidates KPMG Taiwan with consultants and experts in data privacy, cybersecurity, taxation, securities supervision and money laundering prevention. With our unparalleled practical experience in data privacy, trade secret protection, cybersecurity, taxation, and digital token supervision, the firm provides tailored legal and management consultation services that will satisfy the needs of enterprises conducting activities in AI, IoT, and digital token offerings or transactions.Our Services Include:

  • Legal consultation for AI technology and data-analysis application technology
  • Legal consultation for STO supervision in the United States, Hong Kong, and Singapore etc.
  • Legal consultation for the establishment, operation, and management of digital currency exchanges
  • Legal and taxation consultation for utility and security token offering or transaction
  • Compliance consultation for data and internet protection laws of each nation
  • Establishment of and consultation for policies and procedures on Personally Identifiable Information (PII) safeguards

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