Our global marketplace is changing. Gaining a clear understanding of market dynamics in periods of economic change and how it affects the value of your business or assets is crucial. This is where experienced and dedicated valuation and industry specialists can help.

Whether you are considering an acquisition or disposal, involved in a commercial dispute or litigation, determining value for financial reporting, strategic review and decision support, or a group restructure, our valuation specialists are here to help.

We provide robust advice on valuation matters across multiple sectors, deal stages, and client types. Using the latest data analytics, simulations and visualisation tools, we can address the most complex modelling and valuation issues.

Companies require reliable valuations to underpin transactions for transactions, tax, accounting and financial reporting reasons.

It is important that boards, shareholders, investors, financiers, transaction counterparties and regulators can rely on the soundness of valuations. It is why so many turn to KPMG when they need robust and credible valuations.

At KPMG Türkiye, we provide services in determining the value of firms when planning new investments in line with your current and future business strategy, in the strategic or financial partnership phase, during the restructuring process or for accounting reasons. For our clients, we perform valuation analyses based on reliable and realistic approaches, supported by reports that include our findings and possible situations.

Our valuation expertise

Strategic firm valuation analysis

At KPMG Turkey, we provide services to review your strategic and financial alternatives, determine your corporate and stock value, and uncover the key issues and value drivers that drive decisions throughout the business lifecycle.

Potential Acquisitions:

— Determining the value of the target firm to potential domestic/foreign investors
— Determining the key elements and key assumptions that drive the value of the firm
— Identifying the factors that drive the value of the business for the seller and assisting with strategic decisions
— Determining the right value of the firm for the buyer, taking into account market conditions
— Reviewing the impact of the firm's current capital and financing structure on value — Measuring the profitability of future investments
— Analyzing the impact of potential mergers and acquisitions on the firm's future performance
— Determining the value ranges of the firm's value based on scenarios created using various KPIs
— Measurement of the sensitivity of the firm value against various parameters

Independent expert opinion

For listed companies, majority shareholders and regulated companies, firm valuation analyses should be performed by an independent expert institute in cases arising from the firm contract.

At KPMG Turkey, we provide opinions on the market value of the firm and shares in question.

— Establishing a basis for reconciliation with an impartial and independent expert opinion in the event of a dispute
— Independent expert opinion that is valid in audits conducted by tax, CMB, financial, etc. regulatory authorities

Impairment test

According to IFRS 36 and IFRS 38, goodwill and other tangible and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are required to be remeasured annually. At KPMG Turkey, we advise our clients by following all developments related to generally accepted financial reporting principles and legislation in this context.

— Monitoring and analyzing the post-acquisition market value
— Providing an unbiased valuation opinion to independent audit professionals as part of audit work
— Comparison of book value and market value

Determination of the share exchange ratio

At KPMG Turkey, we provide services for determining the exchange ratio in accordance with the CMB (Capital Markets Board) Merger and Demerger Communiqué by determining the values of the assets and operations subject to the transfer, taking into account the rights of the stakeholders of the transferred or demerged firm and using a methodology in accordance with the legislation.

— Expert's opinion of the merger required for determining the fair value, taking into account the shareholding structures
— Compliance of mergers and divisions with the Capital Markets Board (CMB) Communiqué No. II-23.2.

Valuation of Intangible Assets

At KPMG Turkey, as part of the valuation of intangible assets, we value intangible assets such as trademarks, patents, licenses, customer relationship valuations, contracts, intellectual property rights, etc., which are intangible but of great importance to the value of companies.

We provide intangible asset valuation services in the trading process or for tax, accounting and regulatory purposes.

— Identification and valuation of assets that do not appear in financial statements of the firm
— Analysis of the reference value of separable intangible assets independent of other assets and the firm
— Effect of intangible asset on total firm value
— Reporting in accordance with International Valuation Standards, if deemed necessary

Purchase price allocation

Purchase price allocation ("PPA") is the post-acquisition allocation of the purchase price to all tangible and intangible assets acquired in accordance with the relevant accounting standards ("IFRS 3" and "IAS 38"), and hence the determination of goodwill.

Potential Acquisitions:

— Determining the balance sheet effects of the investor's goodwill draft analysis prior to the acquisition decision
— Analysis of the impact of the revalued intangible assets and the resulting goodwill on the firm's future tax liabilities
— Sharing expert opinion with independent auditors in the audit of IFRS-compliant financial statements

Talk to our experts

We put value at the heart of everything we do. And we believe you should too. Whether it's seeking a valuation for corporate governance or regulatory reasons, or to simply better inform your decision-making processes, we understand the need to act quickly and efficiently.

Our valuations team works closely with the rest of KPMG’s deal advisory practice to provide experienced advice for a wide range of clients. From global multi-nationals, banks, funds and governments to start-ups and SMEs. With 1,500 dedicated staff across 50 countries, we at KPMG, have the global expertise and local knowledge to provide an exemplary valuation advisory service.

We take pride in our extensive industry experience. We focus on truly understanding your business using benchmarking analysis, as well as the sector and industry context in which you operate. Our comprehensive valuation methodologies allow us to offer you quality, meaningful opinions.