

Last updated 17 March, 2023

We are dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of information entrusted to us. We comply with applicable Data Protection Regulations including in particular the Turkish Personel Data Protection Law(no.6698). Please read this Privacy Policy to learn about your rights, what information we collect, how we use and protect it.

This website is operated by KPMG Turkey, which is a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”).

Further privacy information

Cookie Policy

Clarification Text

1. Who are we?

This Privacy Policy applies to KPMG Turkey* (together “KPMG”, “we” or “us”).

2. Who can you contact for privacy questions or concerns?

If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or how we handle personal data, please direct your correspondence to:

KPMG Turkey Levent, İş Kuleleri, Kule 3, Kat:2-9, 34330 Beşiktaş/İstanbul

To report concerns you may have about our data handling practices you can contact the responsible data protection supervisory authority:

3. How do we collect personal data?

  • Directly. We obtain personal data directly from individuals in a variety of ways, including obtaining personal data from individuals who provide us their business card, complete our online forms, subscribe to our newsletters and preference centre, register for webinars, attend meetings or events we host, visit our offices or apply for open positions. We may also obtain personal data directly when, for example, establishing a business relationship, performing professional services through a contract, or through our hosted software applications.
  • Indirectly. We obtain personal data indirectly about individuals from a variety of sources, including recruitment services and our clients. We may attach personal data to our customer relationship management records to better understand and serve our business clients, prospects, subscribers and individuals, satisfy a legal obligation, or pursue our legitimate interests. We can obtain these data from the following sources;
    • Public sources,
    • Social and professional networking sites ,
    • Business clients,
    • Recruitment services

4. What categories of personal data do we collect?

We may obtain the following categories of personal data about individuals through direct interactions with us, or from information provided through client engagements, from applicants, our suppliers and through other situations including those described in this Privacy Policy.

  • Personal data. Here is a list of personal data we commonly collect to conduct our business activities.
    • Contact details,
    • Professional details,
    • Family and beneficiary details for mobility, official approvals and permits, insurance and pension planning services,
    • Financial information,
    • Video monitoring systems at our sites may collect images of visitors. We automatically delete such video monitoring footage within 20 days.
  • Sensitive personal data. Examples of sensitive personal data we may obtain include:
    • Personal identification documents that may reveal race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or physical health, and possibly biometric data of private individuals, beneficial owners of corporate entities, or applicants.
    • Expense receipts submitted for individual tax or accounting advice that reveal affiliations with trade unions or political opinions.
    • Adverse information about potential or existing clients and applicants that may reveal criminal convictions or offences information.
    • Information provided to us by our clients in the course of a professional engagement.
    • Dietary restrictions when registering for events that reveal religious beliefs or physical health.

5. What lawful reasons do we have for processing personal data?

  • Contract – We may process personal data in order to perform our contractual obligations.
  • Consent – We may rely on your freely given consent at the time you provided your personal data to us.
  • Legitimate interests – We may rely on legitimate interests based on our evaluation that the processing is fair, reasonable and balanced. These include:
    • Delivering services and products – To deliver the services and products our clients have engaged us to provide.
    • Marketing – To deliver timely industry insights and professional knowledge, offerings and invitations we believe are welcomed by our business clients, prospects, subscribers and other individuals.
    • Recruitment – To seek for qualified candidates.
  • Legal obligations and public interest – We may process personal data in order to meet regulatory and public interest obligations or mandates.

6. Why do we need personal data?

We aspire to be transparent when we collect and use personal data and tell you why we need it, which typically includes:

  • Providing professional advice and delivering reports and services related to our tax, advisory, audit and assurance, pension scheme administration, legal, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions and other professional services and products.
  • Promoting our professional services, products and capabilities to existing and prospective business clients.
  • Sending invitations and providing access to guests attending our events and webinars or our sponsored events.
  • Personalising online landing pages and communications we think would be of interest based on interactions with us and KPMG member firms.
  • Administering, maintaining, developing and ensuring the security and functionality of our information systems, applications and websites.
  • Sending surveys to measure the satisfaction of our commercial customers with our services,
  • Authenticating registered users to certain areas of our sites.
  • Processing online requests, including responding to communications from individuals or requests for proposals and quotations.
  • Contacting journalists regarding market insights, corporate news, invitations to press conference, highlighting messages that may be of interest on specific industry topics.
  • Travel arrangement assistance.
  • Complying with legal and regulatory obligations relating to sanctions, embargo assessment, countering money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other forms of financial crime.
  • Preventing fraud or criminal activity, safeguarding our IT systems and handling of claims. 
  • Employment of personnel and work processes.
  • Seeking for qualified candidates.

In some situations the provision of personal data is required to provide the services in such cases this is indicated on the Website accordingly or pointed out in the disclaimers or contractual agreements. Furthermore, we may be required to collect certain personal data by law. If you fail to provide such data, we may not be able to provide the services, or we may have to cancel a product or service you have with us.

7. Do we share personal data with third parties?

We may share personal data with trusted third parties to help us deliver efficient and quality services and products. These recipients are contractually bound to safeguard the data we entrust to them. We may engage with several or all of the following categories of recipients:

  • Member firms of the KPMG network, where necessary for administrative purposes (e.g. hosting and supporting IT applications, performing client conflict checks, HR support functions) and to provide professional services to our clients (e.g., when providing services involving advice from KPMG member firms in different territories).
  • Parties that support us as we provide our services and products (e.g. providers of telecommunication systems, mailroom support, IT system support, archiving services, document production services and cloud-based software services, scanning services).
  • Our professional advisers, including lawyers, auditors and insurers.
  • A potential buyer, transferee, merger partner or seller and their advisers in connection with an actual or potential transfer or merger/acquisition of part or all of our business or assets, or any associated rights or interests. 
  • Payment, marketting, market research, database management and recuirement services providers.
  • Law enforcement or other government and regulatory agencies or to other third parties as required by, and in accordance with, applicable law or regulation.

8. Do we transfer your personal data outside Turkey?

We store personal data on servers located in Turkey. We may transfer personal data to KPMG International, KPMG member firms, and reputable third party organisations situated inside or outside Turkey when we have a business reason to engage these organisations. Each organisation is required to safeguard personal data in accordance with our contractual obligations and applicable data protection legislation. Such safeguards may include applying standard data protection model clauses, binding corporate rules or other standard contractual obligations which provide for appropriate protection of data.

9. Do we use cookies? Do we automatically collect personal information?

In some instances, KPMG Turkey and its service providers uses cookies, web beacons and other technologies to automatically collect certain types of information when you visit us online, as well as through emails that we may exchange. The collection of this information allows us to customize your online experience, improve the performance, usability and effectiveness of KPMG's online presence, and to measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities. Where cookies are used, a statement will be sent to your browser explaining the use of cookies. To learn more, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

10. What are your data protection rights?

If KPMG processes personal information about you, you have the rights listed below. Before responding to your request, we may ask for proof of identity. This helps us to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also ask you for sufficient information about your interactions with us so that we can locate your personal information.

Everyone, in connection with herself/himself, has the right to;

1) Learn whether or not her/his personal data have been processed;

2) Request information as to processing if her/his data have been processed;

3) Learn the purpose of processing of the personal data and whether data are used in accordance with their purpose;

4) Know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred;

5) Request rectification in case personal data are processed incompletely or inaccurately;

6) Request deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions set forth under the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law article 7;

7) Request notification of the operations made as per indents (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred;

8) Object to occurrence of any result that is to her/his detriment by means of analysis of personal data exclusively through automated systems;

9) Request compensation for the damages in case the person incurs damages due to unlawful processing of personal data

by applying to the data controller.

To submit a data request please direct your correspondence to:

KPMG Turkey Levent, İş Kuleleri, Kule 3, Kat:2-9, 34330 Beşiktaş/İstanbul

We aim to respond free of charge within 30 days of receiving privacy-related communications. However, if the transaction requires a separate cost for KPMG, the fee in the tariff determined may be charged by the Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority.

11. What about personal data security?

We have put appropriate technical and organisational security policies and procedures in place to protect personal data (including sensitive personal data) from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. KPMG Turkey’s protection of client data in relation to the provision of professional services, including people, processes and technologies for the engineering, deployment operations, and support of the data processing infrastructure is certified according to ISO 27001. We limit access to personal data in general. Those individuals who have access to the data are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information. We may apply pseudonymization, de-identification and anonymization techniques in efforts to further protect personal data.

If you have access to parts of our websites or use our services, you remain responsible for keeping your user ID and password confidential. Please be aware that the transmission of data via the Internet is not completely secure. Whilst we do our best to try to protect the security of your personal data, we cannot ensure or guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk.

12. How long do we retain personal data?

We retain personal data to provide our services, make offerings, stay in contact with you and to comply with applicable laws, regulations and professional obligations that we are subject to. We retain personal data for so long as the personal data is needed for the purposes for which it was collected or in line with legal and regulatory requirements or contractual arrangements. We will dispose of personal data when we no longer need it.

13. Do we link to other websites?

Our websites will typically contain links to other sites, including sites maintained by other KPMG member firms that are not governed by this Privacy Policy. Please review the destination websites’ privacy policies before submitting personal data on those sites. Whilst we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other sites.

14. Do we change this privacy policy?

We regularly review this Privacy Policy and will post any updates to it on this webpage. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 17.03.2023



A. Automatic collection of personal information

A.1 IP addressesA.2 CookiesA.3 AnalyticsA.4 Web beaconsA.5 Location-based tools

B. Social media widgets and applications

C. Policy up-dates and changes

A. Automatic collection of personal information

In some instances, KPMG and its service providers uses cookies, web beacons and other technologies to automatically collect certain types of information when you visit us online, as well as through emails that we may exchange. The collection of this information allows us to customize your online experience, improve the performance, usability and effectiveness of KPMG's online presence, and to measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities.

A.1 IP addresses

An IP address is a number assigned to your computer whenever you access the internet. It allows computers and servers to recognise and communicate with one another. IP addresses from which visitors appear to originate may be recorded for IT security and system diagnostic purposes. This information may also be used in aggregate form to conduct web site trend and performance analysis.

A.2 Cookies

Cookies may be placed on your computer or internet-enabled device whenever you visit us online. This allows the site to remember your computer or device and serves a number of purposes.

On some of our web sites, a notification banner will appear requiring your consent to collect cookies. If you do not provide consent, your computer or internet-enabled device will not be tracked for marketing-related activities. A secondary type of cookie referred to as "user-input" cookies may still be required for necessary functionality. Such cookies will not be blocked through the use of this notification banner. Your selection will be saved in a cookie and is valid for a period of 90 days. If you wish to revoke your selection, you may do so by clearing your browser's cookies.

Although most browsers automatically accept cookies, you can choose whether or not to accept cookies via your browser's settings (often found in your browser's Tools or Preferences menu). You may also delete cookies from your device at any time. However, please be aware that if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to fully experience some of our web sites' features.

Further information about managing cookies can be found in your browser's help file or through sites such as

Below is a list of the types of cookies used on our web sites:



Type & Expiry

Performance (i.e. User’s Browser)

Our web sites are built using common internet platforms. These have built-in cookies which help compatibility issues (e.g., to identify your browser type) and improve performance (e.g., quicker loading of content).


Deleted upon closing the browser

Security (e.g. Asp .NET) Cookies

If you register for access to a restricted area, our cookies ensure that your device is logged for the duration of your visit. You will need your username and password to access the restricted areas.


Deleted upon closing the browser

Site Preferences

Our cookies may also remember your site preferences (e.g. language) or seek to enhance your experience (e.g. by personalising a greeting or content).This will apply to areas where you have registered specifically for access or create an account.


Deleted upon closing the browser


We use several third party analytics tools to help us understand how site visitors use our web site. This allows us to improve the quality and content on for our visitors. The aggregated statistical data cover items such as total visits or page views, and referrers to our web sites. For further details on our use of analytics, see below.


Deleted automatically after 2 years if you no longer visit

Site visitor feedback

We use a third party survey tool to invite a percentage of visitors to provide their feedback. Cookies are used to prevent visitors from being invited multiple times.

The first cookie (1) is set if the visitor is not invited to participate in the survey, and is used to ensure visitors are not invited after their first page view.

The second cookie (2) is set if the visitor is invited to participate in the survey, and is used to ensure the visitor is not invited again to participate for a period of 90 days.

1 Session

Deleted upon closing the browser

2 Persistent

Deleted automatically after 90 days or presenting survey invite.

Social sharing

We use third party social media widgets or buttons to provide you with additional functionality to share content from our web pages to social media websites and email. Use of these widgets or buttons may place a cookie on your device to make their service easier to use, ensure your interaction is displayed on our webpages (e.g. the social share count cache is updated) and log information about your activities across the Internet and on our web sites. We encourage you to review each provider's privacy information before using any such service. For further details on our use of social media widgets and applications, see below.

Persistent, but will be deleted automatically after two years if you no longer visit

Other third party tools and widgets may be used on our individual web pages to provide additional functionality. Use of these tools or widgets may place a cookie on your device to make their service easier to use, and ensure your interaction is displayed on our webpages properly.

Cookies by themselves do not tell us your email address or otherwise identify you personally. In our analytical reports, we may obtain other identifiers including IP addresses, but this is for the purpose of identifying the number of unique visitors to our web sites and geographic origin of visitor trends, and not to identify individual visitors.


A.3 Analytics

KPMG uses Google Analytics. More information about how Google Analytics is used by KPMG can be found here.

To provide website visitors with more choice on how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google have developed the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. The add-on communicates with the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that information about the website visit should not be sent to Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on does not prevent information from being sent to the website itself or to other web analytics services.

A.4 Web beacons

A web beacon is a small image file on a web page that can be used to collect certain information from your computer, such as an IP address, the time the content was viewed, a browser type, and the existence of cookies previously set by the same server. KPMG only uses web beacons in accordance with applicable laws.

KPMG or its service providers may use web beacons to track the effectiveness of third party web sites that provide us with recruiting or marketing services or to gather aggregate visitor statistics and manage cookies.

You have the option to render some web beacons unusable by rejecting their associated cookies. The web beacon may still record an anonymous visit from your IP address but cookie information will not be recorded.

In some of our newsletters and other communications, we may monitor recipient actions such as email open rates through embedded links within the messages. We collect this information to gauge user interest and to enhance future user experiences.

A.5 Location-based tools

KPMG may collect and use the geographical location of your computer or mobile device. This location data is collected for the purpose of providing you with information regarding services which we believe may be of interest to you based on your geographic location, and to improve our location-based products and services.

B. Social media widgets and applications

KPMG web sites may include functionality to enable sharing via third party social media applications, such as the Facebook Like button and Twitter widget. These social media applications may collect and use information regarding your use of KPMG web sites (see details on 'Social Sharing' cookies above). Any personal information that you provide via such social media applications may be collected and used by other members of that social media application and such interactions are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide the application. We do not have control over, or responsibility for, those companies or their use of your information.

In addition, KPMG web sites may host blogs, forums, crowd-sourcing and other applications or services (collectively "social media features"). The purpose of social media features is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and content. Any personal information that you provide on any KPMG social media feature may be shared with other users of that social media feature (unless otherwise stated at the point of collection), over whom we may have limited or no control.

C. Policy up-dates and changes

We regularly review this Privacy Policy and will post any updates to it on this webpage. This Cookie Policy was last updated 17.03.2023

1 "KPMG," "we," "our," and "us" refers to KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity, and/or to any one or more of the member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services.