The truth about online consumers

The truth about online consumers

This global survey asks 18,430 consumers about their most recent online shopping experiences.

This global survey asks 18,430 consumers about their most recent online shopping...

What do consumers really want?

Advances in technology, logistics, payments and trust – coupled with increasing internet and mobile access and consumer demand for convenience – have created a US$1.9 trillion global online shopping arena, where millions of consumers no longer ‘go’ shopping, but literally ‘are’ shopping – at every moment and everywhere.

Retailers need to be more aware and responsive than ever to when and where their potential customers are making decisions throughout their ‘always on’ shopping journey.

KPMG’s recent global survey asked 18,430 consumers in 51 countries about their most recent online shopping experiences. This study provides insights and data that can help our clients analyze and forecast the behaviors and preferences of online consumers – by geography, generation (Millennials, Generation X or Baby Boomers), and/or product category.

Read the report to learn more about:

  • Online purchase behavior Cross border shopping, the rise of e-tailers and device preference trends
  • The path to purchase journey From awareness to evaluation, the online shopping experience
  • Consumer attitudes and motivations What’s driving the shift to online, and winning the online consumer

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