Growth trends and behaviours in Alternative Finance

Growth trends and behaviours in Alternative Finance

Research from over 1,000 crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending platform options,reveal the global trends in Alternative Financing.


“2015 was the year when Alternative Finance really came into its own. The dominating influence was the growth of China, which accounts for 70% of global volume, followed by the US”

Warren Mead, Global Co-Lead Fintech, KPMG in the UK



KPMG and the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance present a collection of global insights, which summarise the impact of Alternative Financing - which is quickly becoming an efficient competitor to traditional financing systems.

Following a series of regional reports examining the size and development of Alternative Finance, this joint report examines the combined data from 1,086 crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending platforms surveyed globally.

These new and exciting options are emerging across the Americas, Europe and Asia and outline a future outside of traditional financial institutions. Find out how individual countries measure up in the race to adapt and which business sectors are benefiting the most.

Key highlights of the report include:

  • China’s domination of growth in the industry as it accelerates globally.
  • The maturity of the Alternative Finance industry by capita sees the USA lead the charge.
  • Manufacturing and engineering are the most prevalent sectors for Alternative Financing.
  • Female participation is growing but remains low.
  • Excessive or insufficient regulation remains an issue for many countries.

The report’s findings highlight a trend that suggests the growth of the Alternative Finance industry is leading towards an impact on global lending infrastructure.

Download the report here.

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