KPMG Impact and Inclusion works with individuals from the deaf community and special needs groups with the long-term aim of developing their talents and skills in creating high-quality corporate gifts independently. We sponsor their participation in hands-on classes where they learn different art forms, such as glass art, leather crafting and silk screen printing from various artists. Once they acquire the skills, we commission their creations as limited edition gifts for clients and employees. If you would like to commission a gift, please browse Personalised Love’s catalogue.

In addition to technical skills in craft-making, our beneficiaries are also taught entrepreneurial skills where they learn how to create a range of products or facilitate a workshop. They also pick up soft skills, such as building confidence through public interaction, and communicating with those who do not know the sign language.

KPMG staff members contribute to their learning journey by conducting workshops to impart job skills such as basic computing, social media marketing tips and bookkeeping with laptops donated to them by KPMG.

Since its inception, KPMG Impact and Inclusion has helped open new doors for 29 beneficiaries from Grace Orchard School, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Federation and SPD. 

The recent skills-training programme in 2021 equipped the beneficiaries with design-based skills using software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. The beneficiaries also developed a new product line for Personalised Love featuring vegan leather-based products with hand-drawn fabric lining.

In celebration of our 80th Anniversary and in support of PLove, we commissioned the beneficiaries to create a custom-drawn fabric design that was crafted in our laptop sleeves for the whole firm. The upgrade of skills has increased corporate gifting opportunities with organisations.

inclusive hiring infographic

Maker Stories - Pioneer beneficiaries

Mimi Ng

Mimi is a member of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Federation (Singapore) and a beneficiary of KPMG Impact and Inclusion. She lost her hearing at birth, but that has never limited the boldness of her dreams. Currently, she inspires her deaf and hearing friends in many different ways. Mimi teaches art once a week at the Mountbatten Vocation School, which awards ITE Skills Certificates to persons with disabilities, and sells her handicraft at fairs. A pioneer with the KPMG Inclusive Employment Program since 2015, the additional skills she has learnt and the income that she makes allow her to focus on her practice and save up for her dream of opening a studio for deaf artists.

Mimi Ng

I want people to buy my crafts not out of pity but for the appreciation of the art.

Caroline Pereira

Caroline is a member of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Federation (Singapore) and a beneficiary of KPMG Impact and Inclusion. Diagnosed deaf at the age of 4, disability does not defeat Caroline's determination in life. She takes on multiple jobs to support her family and is also adept at sewing. The KPMG Inclusive Employment Program helps to supplement her income for her daughter's education and secure their future. Caroline dreams of being a fashion designer one day, and it is our hope that through the practice of the art, her designer instincts will be honed for future opportunities in fashion design.

Caroline Pereira

I hope to bring more smiles to the world through the design of my colorful cuddly toys.

Low Kok Wah

Kok Wah is a member of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Federation (Singapore) and a beneficiary of KPMG Impact and Inclusion. Despite being deaf since the age of 5 after a high fever, optimism is a constant for Kok Wah. He juggles part-time jobs, video editing projects, and loves to read in his spare time. The KPMG Inclusive Employment Program helps to supplement his daily needs and paves the way for him to realize his dreams.

Low Kok Wah

I like to teach people how to take a pause, reflect on their lives, and take good care of their mental health.

Hairiani bte Ali

Ani is a member of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Federation (Singapore) and a beneficiary of KPMG Impact and Inclusion. Born deaf, the lively Ani never lets deafness hamper her ambition to be an active volunteer amongst the hearing community. Together with her friends, she founded an organisation for the deaf in 1998 and participated in art performances. Through the KPMG Impact and Inclusion initiative, Ani has shone; she has created numberous new designs and has enhanced her craftsmanship. This has opened up various job opportunities for her as an artist.

Hairiani bte Ali

I hope that people know the deaf can work just the same as hearing people if given a chance to show our strengths!

Hong Pei Shan, Kelly

Whether the subject is food or flowers, photography is a hobby Kelly enjoys whenever she goes around Singapore or when she travels. As a beneficiary of KPMG Impact and Inclusion since 2019, she has picked up crafting skills like embossing, candle-making, and paper quilling which she is particularly proud of. Most importantly, the programme has empowered her to earn an income through craft-making. Kelly shares that the programme makes her feel included and encourages her to believe.

Hong Pei Shan, Kelly

I am happy to learn new crafts and to be part of a team. I feel appreciated by them and I see a joyful version of myself.

Gracie Tan

Gracie, who is born deaf, is a beneficiary of KPMG Inclusive Employment Initiative. She enjoys learning new things, trying new foods and exploring new cultures. Encouraged by Kelly, Gracie joined the programme in 2019 and has since started her own product series named "ecofreshdesign“ that focuses on sustainability and upcycling of materials. You can check out her profile at @ecofreshdesign on Instagram.

Gracie Tan

This is the first time I'm learning these new skills. I enjoy gaining experience in different ways and I hope to learn more new things.

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Handmade Gifts

Leather Craft

KPMG in Singapore collaborates with Personalised Love (Plove), a social enterprise specialising in leather artisanal and corporate gifts handcrafted by special needs artisans. KPMG in Singapore supports Plove’s training and work integration model that caters to special needs youths. Every purchase of their products enables Plove to train and equip more special needs artists with craft skills.

In 2018, KPMG in Singapore and PLove were proud to launch the KPMG Capsule Collection. The collection features unique products that are meaningful yet pleasing to the eye. Prices range from $120 - $250.

leather gifts

Special Commissions

With the pioneer KPMG Impact and Inclusion beneficiaries learning new art skills in the form of clay art, paper quilling and sewing, customised orders are available to suit various events and gifting needs.

special commissions

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