Family Office

Family Office

Comprehensive legal, tax and accounting KPMG support for family businesses and SME sector.

Comprehensive legal, tax and accounting KPMG support for family businesses.

The team of KPMG specialists dealing with Polish family businesses understands that each family is different. Therefore, we provide advice meeting the client's needs, which allows family businesses to solidify their position on the market while strengthening and maintaining the energy of company members. There are no two identical families, and there are no two identical family businesses as well. Nevertheless, regardless of what is the subject of your family business, there may come a time when you will need external support. The manner in which KPMG provides support arises from understanding that the term "Family Business" is very flexible, that is why we believe that a universal approach to Family Businesses is not possible. Taking above into consideration, instead of presenting a ready list of services, we offer unlimited access to a team of specialists who have many years of experience that fully meets the needs and challenges our clients have to face.


The team you know

We provide you with a trusted team of specialists from your region. You will meet them in person and you will find that they can answer the most difficult legal, tax and accounting questions. People you meet will be those whom you will contact with on a regular basis regarding ongoing service.  

The scope of support:

Local support for your business

The specialists whom you will work with are permanently present in your region. They know, understand and work in the market where you work. They understand your business, local conditions and the global capabilities of your industry and sector. Their knowledge and experience will allow you to take full advantage of the company's potential and the potential of the market on which you operate.  

Custom-made services

We offer comprehensive accounting, legal and tax services adjusted to the needs of your business. Thanks to our services, you can reduce costs and focus on core business.

You set a lump sum for our services

The lump sum for our services is initially determined based on the reported demand. Then, after the trial period, it can be adapted (extended / limited) to the actual needs of your business.  

You decide which services will be covered by the lump sum

The lump-sum settled covers a specified number of working hours. It is you who decide on which services you want to spend the time covered by lump sum and whether they will be only accounting services, or only tax services or only legal services, or you will want to use the help of experts from two or all three areas of support. We offer support in all areas, as part of accounting, taxation and legal advice.  

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