We offer extensive experience in representing our clients during tax audits, tax and penal-fiscal proceedings, as well as before administrative courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

We provide professional assistance in the course of VAT control activities as well as in proceedings before tax authorities and administrative courts.

Our extensive experience shows that adopting the right strategy at the very beginning of the proceedings significantly mitigates the risk of unfavourable resolution. KPMG experts will analyse the documents provided by the taxpayer during the control proceedings, and, drawing from their knowledge of the latest jurisprudence, will ensure that explanations provided to the authorities are backed by appropriate arguments.

How we can help

The vast array of services offered by KPMG in Poland includes:

  • intermediation in ongoing contacts with tax offices,
  • representing the client on each stage of proceedings before tax authorities, administrative courts or CJEU;
  • assistance in developing a strategy to uphold the correctness of VAT settlements challenged by tax authorities; assessment of the chances of an effective defence of the client's position at the stage of appeal or court and administrative proceedings;
  • assistance in drawing up explanations and collecting documents at the request of tax authorities;
  • support in all procedural arrangements, including drafting all documents to be used in proceedings before tax authorities (including complaints or appeals), assistance in investigation proceedings (e.g. interviewing witnesses, the investigated party and other persons involved).

See also