

Aviation in Malta at the top of the agenda of the Maltese economy.

Aviation in Malta at the top of the agenda of the Maltese economy.

Since the recent regulatory changes, the aviation sector in Malta has encountered significant growth over the past decade with the Maltese aircraft register listing over 300 aircraft and the number of AOC holders approaching 40.

The Malta Aircraft Registration Act together with the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Aircraft Protocol has spearheaded the growth, however the existence of a strong Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) sector, flight training and aviation software providers, as well as increased interest in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Development have offered interested individuals and entities with a holistic aviation framework.

This together with Malta's strategic geographic location, status within the European Union and sophisticated network of English speaking professionals coming from different areas such as legal, accounting, VAT and audit professionals with a deep knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of the aviation industry.

- Download the Aviation in Malta factsheet.