Work in KPMG professional practices

Work in KPMG professional practices

Learn more about work in the Audit Department, Tax and Legal and Advisory

Learn more about work in the Audit Department, Tax and Legal and Advisory

Profession: auditor

Work in KPMG Audit Practice will allow you getting an understanding of specifics of operations of the leading Kazakhstani and international companies that are our clients and gain work experience in a global company as well as to apply your knowledge in practice. KPMG auditors conduct audits in accordance with both Kazakhstani and international financial reporting standards. KPMG methodology is based not only on the extensive experience in providing advisory services for our clients in the area of accounting and compliance with Kazakhstan laws, but also on the deep knowledge of the specifics of business of the companies audited.

Profession tax consultant

KMPG, due to its significant expertise in tax planning, offers its clients the services for developing their business structure and strategy, which allow minimising the tax costs. KMPG employs highly qualified tax consultants and lawyers who know all ins and outs of frequently changing Kazakh legislation. They also deliver advices to clients on practice of addressing the tax disputes and tax authorities’ position on various matters.

Profession strategy consultant

Management Consulting:KPMG experience in key functional areas allows it to improve the client company performance in the following areas: Finance, Information Technologies, Logistics, HR Management, Communications, Production, Sales, Marketing, etc. Management Consulting and IT professionals offer our clients a wide range of services. Our successful experience of providing support to Kazakhstani and foreign companies and use of KPMG international experience and world leading practices in various industry sectors, including Oil and Gas, Retail, Metallurgy, Consumer Goods, Financial Services, allow us to implement engagements with maximum efficiency, and meet and surpass the customer's expectations.

Risk Consulting:Risk management framework needs to be built organically into the company corporate culture so that each employee may take an active part in addressing relevant problems. However, it should be noted that the mature corporate governance embraces more than just risk management. Apart from addressing the key issues, it implies establishing the clear controls, raising awareness of the capital market participants of the entity financial position, preventing fraud, ensuring compliance with current legislation and regulations - all this ultimately gives the company a number of advantages as the company's management may obtain the maximum full information on actual state of things.

Deal Advisory: Our team consists of qualified professionals possessing considerable experience of corporate transactions and industry experience at both Kazakhstan and CIS level. We have extensive experience in dealing with the major transactions, including corporate transactions support in Kazakhstan, Russian and Ukraine.

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