KPMG is at the forefront of an evolving tax landscape

As a leading tax network, we believe that we – as individual tax professionals and as member firms – have a duty to engage in the discussion and debate surrounding Tax Transparency and Responsibility. As the tax strategies of multinationals and domestic companies continue to be examined by both tax authorities and the public alike, we work with our clients to develop tax strategies that are fit for purpose in the tax system of tomorrow.  

Working with clients to define the tax department of tomorrow. To keep pace with the reporting changes, multinational corporations will need to evaluate their in-house resources to determine if they will be able to manage additional requirements and responsibilities. They will also need to assess their systems to ensure that they can meet new requirements for multijurisdictional reporting. 

Our services

  • Domestic and international taxation advisory services
  • Transfer Pricing Services
  • International tax structuring
  • Indirect taxation including VAT, customs and excise
  • Indirect tax Compliance Center (ITCC) services
  • Market entry assistance
  • Tax and regulatory evaluations and due diligence investigations
  • Mergers and acquisitions taxation services
  • Personal income taxation
  • Immigration services
  • Investment Incentives

The number one priority of KPMG’s tax practice is to deliver a portfolio of services that matches organisations’ changing needs in today’s global marketplace.  Tax can represent a substantial outflow of funds from every business. Add to this the drain on management time caused by increased reporting obligations, a more aggressive approach by the tax authorities and harsher penalties for non-compliance, and your tax burden can be significantly larger than you would like. We help clients manage their tax charge and deal effectively with the tax authorities.

Beyond this, effective tax advice can give companies a competitive advantage. KPMG’s tax advisors are often involved in transactions that are fundamental to our clients’ commercial success. Therefore, we understand thatwe need to know our clients’ business thoroughly. We focus on finding opportunities and leveraging them to the advantage of clients in the form ofsignificant tax savings through tailored strategies.Now, more than ever, cost saving is at the forefront of business priorities and tax should be high on the list. The local legislative environment is changing rapidly as our local economies open up to foreign investment and adjusts to EU integration.In addition to new legislation, there are significant changes in the interpretation of existing regulations. In these circumstances, effectivetax advice and innovative planning can give your business a competitive advantage.

 For more information on how we can help your business, or to set up a meeting, contact us today.

Meet our team


Throughout this webpage, “we”, “KPMG”, “us” and “our” refer to the network of independent member firms operating under the KPMG name and affiliated with KPMG International or to one or more of these firms or to KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.