We have wide sector experience and we know the Estonian energy sector

KPMG Baltics  energy sector team provides support both to companies directly operating within the energy sector (production, distribution and regulation) as well as those indirectly involved in the energy space (consumption, sustainable use) The team is made up of highly skilled and experienced professionals covering a broad area of competencies such as strategic financial counselling, sustainability counselling, legal counselling and IT counselling. In Estonia we have a team of 10 people, but we work in close cooperation with KPMG’s global network of close to 19,000 energy sector experts.

On a daily basis, we mainly focus on the following topics

Investment strategy, merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions, capital raising

We can review or create a strategy and a reliable business plan for important investment projects and help make informed investment decisions. We provide full process support for M&A transactions (from target identification to final deal execution) and can also support in raising the required capital to finance investments. Further we can cover all deal matters including financial, tax and legal.

Developing new business directions and entry into foreign markets

we support companies in strategic decision making such as developing and testing new business directions and review of new markets to enter. Our focus to date has been around renewable energy.

Energy communities

There are already about 3 500 energy community associations in Europe. We at KPMG Baltics are at the forefront of supporting Estonians to start producing renewable energy at the community level, through simplifying the whole legal process related to the creation of an energy community.

Strategic analyses of new technologies and business models

We help companies and representatives of the public sector carry out the required impact analyses, financial modelling and develop forecasts to facilitate informed management decisions. We carry out both financial and socio-economic analyses, which support public sector representatives (government, ministries, local municipalities) in making strategic decisions and shaping policies.

Sustainability and climate neutrality from a company’s stand point

We help companies in creating sustainability strategy with a detailed and step based action plan to achieving climate neutrality. We also support companies with regular reporting and sustainability audits.


Tugev referentsipagas on meil taastuvenergias (päike, biometaan, tuul) ja reguleeritud võrguärides (elekter, gaas)