Protecting our reputation and fighting corruption or other illegal conduct would not be possible without whistleblowers. Via KPMG's internal reporting channels, illegal conduct or professional misconduct can be reported without difficulty or negative consequences.

Whistleblower protection first

The Whistleblower Protection Act protects from any retaliation by KPMG, such as dismissal, non-promotion, changes in assigned work or workplace, salary reductions, or poor performance assessments and reviews.

The system is secure, provided by an independent party, and can receive reports around the clock.

What should and should not be reported

The reporting channel is intended to serve the disclosure of conflicts of interest and any violations of rules and laws affecting KPMG, not the expression of general dissatisfaction. Such matters should be communicated to the immediate manager or the HR function.

How to report

Reports can be submitted:

  • via KPMG’s Whistleblower Channel, available online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Links for submitting whistleblowing reports for individual KPMG companies:

KPMG Czech Republic, s.r.o.:

KPMG Czech Republic Audit, s.r.o.:

KPMG Legal s.r.o., law firm:


  • by phone

KPMG Czech Republic, s.r.o.: +420 222 12 4955

KPMG Czech Republic Audit, s.r.o.: +420 222 12 4977

KPMG Legal s.r.o., law firm: +420 222 12 4966


  • in a personal meeting

Via KPMG’s Whistleblower Channel or voicemail solution, whistleblowers can opt to report in a face-to-face meeting. The meeting will take place no later than 14 days from the date of the whistleblower's request.

What to include in the report

The more specific and detailed the report, the better. We recommend using the following five questions as a guide:

What?      What kind of violation has occurred?

Who?       Who has committed the violation? Who else knows about it?

When?     When or over what period did the violation occur?

How?       How was the violation committed? Is there any evidence to document this?

Where?   Where was the violation committed?


Reports can be made anonymously or accompanied by personal information.

What happens after a report has been submitted

1.      The whistleblower is assigned a unique case number and password should they wish to continue the dialogue and/or follow the status of the case.

2.      KPMG's intake unit receives the case and sends a confirmation to the whistleblower within seven days of the report’s receipt. However, whistleblowers may indicate that they do not wish to receive this confirmation.

3.      KPMG's intake unit initially assesses the case.

4.      The report and the initial assessment are forwarded to the pre-determined contact persons within KPMG for further handling and action planning. KPMG ensures that the report is not forwarded to anyone affected by it.

5.      KPMG decides on any remediation measures.

6.      Feedback is provided to the whistleblower if they have created an account or provided their contact information in another way.

Reporting a violation of EU law that falls within the scope of the Whistleblower Protection Act should be made directly to the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic:

This method can also be used should whistleblowers wish not to submit a report via KPMG’s Whistleblower Channel or the designated phone lines.