Financial Reporting Webinar Series

Our webinar series cover the latest financial reporting issues and insights on related matters.

Our webinar series cover the latest financial reporting issues and insights on...

Welcome to our Financial Reporting Webinar series. Our webcasts are designed to address the most topical issues in financial reporting and explain the many ongoing changes in the financial reporting landscape.

Upcoming webinars

IASB Developments

15:45 – 17:00, 11 March 2024

KPMG cordially invites you to join us in the Financial Reporting Webinar Series: IASB Developments on Monday, 11 March 2024.

In this webinar, we are privileged to have Ann Tarca, board member of the International Accounting Standards Board and Cecilia Kwei, director of standard setting from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants to join our host Serene Seah-Tan to discuss developments of projects on the IASB workplan. That includes IFRS 18 “Presentation and Disclosure in the Financial Statements”, which is scheduled to be issued in April 2024 and the latest IASB Board decisions on projects including business combinations under common control, climate-related and other risks in the financial statements.

Should you have any questions in advance of the webinar and any queries, please email Korie Lau or contact her at +852 2847 5181. We look forward to your attendance. 


Ann Tarca  Board member International Accounting Standards Board

Cecilia Kwei Director Standard Setting Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants


Serene Seah-Tan Partner Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Past webinars

Year-end Updates

09:15 – 10:30, 7 December 2023

KPMG cordially invites you to join us in the Financial Reporting Webinar Series: Year-end Updates on Thursday, 7 December 2023.

As we draw close to the end of financial year 2023, companies are starting to prepare their annual reports. It will be useful to highlight the potential impact that the current challenging business and economic environment can have on a company’s financial position and performance. It is also an opportune time to discuss how companies can communicate effectively to stakeholders, highlighting the importance of connectivity between the financial statements and the narrative section of the annual report.

We are delighted to have Jim Tang, Partner, and Albert Chai, Director, from KPMG’s audit quality and professional practice, joining our host Serene, to share key reminders and insights for this webinar.

Should you have any questions in advance of the webinar and any queries, please email Korie Lau or contact her at +852 2847 5181. We look forward to your attendance. 

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Jim Tang Partner Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Albert Chai Director Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China


Serene Seah-Tan Partner Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Get Ready to Implement ISSB’s IFRS S2 Climate Standard

09:15 – 10:45, 11 September 2023

KPMG cordially invites you to join us in the Financial Webinar Series: Get Ready to Implement ISSB’s IFRS S2 Climate Standard on Monday, 11 September 2023.

Since the issuance of the ISSB’s climate standard on 26 June 2023, we have received questions on various aspects of these requirements. In April 2023, HKEX proposed for listed entities in Hong Kong to start applying the enhanced climate disclosures based on of ISSB’s IFRS S2 climate requirements starting from 1 January 2024. Although the effective date of the proposals is yet to be finalised, various aspects of the requirements would require significant time and effort for data collection and preparation. Therefore we have designed this webinar to address some of these more challenging or judgemental areas of the standard to help entities get ready.  Our KPMG ESG practitioners – Pat Woo, Irene Chu and Dana Chaput will join our host, Serene Seah-Tan to share our perspectives on the following topics:

  • Materiality considerations
  • Transition plans
  • Current and anticipated financial impacts 
  • Value chain data
  • Transition reliefs available on first time adoption 
  • The target operating model for implementing the requirements

Should you have any questions in advance of the webinar and any queries, please email Korie Lau or contact her at +852 2847 5181. We look forward to your attendance. 

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Pat Woo Partner Head of Environment, Social and Governance Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China 

Irene Chu Partner Head of New Economy,  Head of Life Science, ESG Advisory Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Dana Chaput Partner Accounting Advisory Services Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China


Serene Seah-Tan Partner Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Abolition of MPF-LSP Offsetting and Its Accounting Considerations

09:15 – 10:30, 11 August 2023

KPMG cordially invites you to join us in the Financial Webinar Series: Abolition of MPF-LSP Offsetting and Its Accounting Considerations on Friday, 11 August 2023.

The Government of the HKSAR gazetted the Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Ordinance 2022 (the Amendment Ordinance) in June 2022. The Amendment Ordinance will eventually abolish the statutory right of an employer to reduce its long service payment (LSP) and severance payment payable to a Hong Kong employee by drawing on its mandatory contributions to the mandatory provident fund (commonly known as the ‘offsetting mechanism’). 

Legally, the abolition has a prospective application from May 2025. The financial reporting perspective is different, however, based on the HKICPA guidance issued in July 2023, the abolition is likely to be an immediate impact on the financial statements of entities with a significant employee base in the Hong Kong SAR. This is notwithstanding that the net LSP position of an entity may have been immaterial to its financial statements in the past. 

In this upcoming webinar, Jim Tang from KPMG’s Audit Quality and Professional Practice and Alex Zhou, an actuary from KPMG’s Risk Consulting practice, will join our host Serene Seah-Tan to go through key financial reporting considerations in relation to the abolition.



Jim Tang Partner Audit Quality and Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Alex Zhou Director Actuarial Service Risk Consulting Beijing KPMG China


Serene Seah-Tan Partner Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Interim Reporting Reminders and IASB Developments

09:15 – 10:30, 2 June 2023

In this webinar, Jim Tang, Partner, and Tracy Chu, Director, from KPMG’s Audit Quality and Professional Practice, will join our host Serene Seah-Tan to go through the key accounting considerations for the coming interim reporting. Our panellists will also discuss recent Agenda Decisions published by the IFRS Interpretations Committee and developments of projects on the IASB workplan. That includes the recently issued IFRS 9 Exposure Draft Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments and the upcoming amendments to IAS 12 International Tax Reform – Pillar Two Model Rules.



Jim Tang Partner Audit Quality and Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Tracy Chu Director Audit Quality and Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China


Serene Seah-Tan Partner Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Sustainability Reporting Developments

09:15 – 10:30, 28 April 2023

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has issued a consultation paper on Enhancement of Climate Disclosure under its ESG framework which is aligned with the climate standard proposed by the International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSBTM Board). The ISSB’s climate standard is expected to be issued in June 2023. Therefore, it is essential for corporates to catch up with the latest developments in order to prepare themselves for the upcoming changes in sustainability reporting. For corporates with US reporting obligations, it would be crucial to keep updated with the US SEC’s climate proposals as well.

In this upcoming webinar, we are privileged to have CLP’s Group Sustainability Director, Hendrik Rosenthal and Julie Santoro, US KPMG’s Partner in Professional Practice to join our host Serene Seah-Tan for this panel discussion covering the following:

  • Highlights of the HKEx’s consultation paper on enhancement of climate disclosure
  • Major decisions by the ISSBTM Board in the redeliberation of IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
  • Updates on the US SEC climate proposals
  • Lessons learned in CLP’s sustainability reporting journey on implementing ISSB’s climate proposals


Hendrik Rosenthal Director Group Sustainability CLP Holdings Limited

Julie Santoro Partner Dept. of Professional Practice, ESG KPMG in the U.S.


Serene Seah-Tan Partner Audit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Capital Market and HKEX Listing Rules Update

10:15 – 11:30, 22 February 2023

With the evolving regulatory landscape, it is essential for the Boards and Management of listed companies to keep updated with the activities of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) to ensure that they are meeting key stakeholders’ expectations.

We were privileged to have Katherine Ng, HKEX’s Head of Listing, as our guest panellist, and together with KPMG’s Paul Lau and Louis Lau, share insights on the following topics: 

  • The proposed Listing Regime for Specialist Technology Companies in the Exchange’s consultation paper
  • Overall performance, areas of improvement and expectation on ESG reporting in the Exchange’s 2022 Analysis of ESG Practice Disclosures
  • Key findings from the Exchange’s Review of Issuers’ Annual Reports 2022
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Katherine NgHead of Listing Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx)

Paul Lau Head of Capital Markets Head of Professional Practice KPMG China

Louis LauPartner Capital Markets Advisory Group Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China


Serene Seah-TanPartnerAudit Quality & Professional Practice Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Year-end reporting reminders

10:15 – 11:30, 14 December 2022

2022 continues to be a challenging year for businesses and the resilience of businesses under the current economic climate continues to be the main focus of investors, regulators and other stakeholders. In this session, we were delighted to have Heidi Chan, Partner in our audit practice, to address some of the topics that she has been discussing with Boards and management, including how companies should prepare for the increased scrutiny around the connectivity between narrative and quantitative reporting. Our panellists also discussed the key financial reporting considerations for finance teams, including new and revised HKFRSs effective 1 January 2022 and the latest developments from the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).



Heidi ChanPartner, Audit Head of Hospitality Hong Kong (SAR) KPMG China

Albert ChaiDirector Audit Quality & Professional Practice KPMG China


Serene Seah-TanPartnerAudit Quality & Professional Practice KPMG China

Accelerating pace of mandatory ESG reporting

13:45 – 15:00, 17 November 2022

All eyes are on the development of the International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB) Sustainability-related financial disclosures and the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) as these requirements are likely to significantly impact companies globally.

In this webinar, Helena Watson brought us the latest updates from the ISSB on the general and climate-related disclosure proposals. Richard Lin and Eddie Ng covered the EU Green Deal, scope of the proposed EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and how non-EU companies could be impacted by these proposals.

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Helena WatsonDirector Sustainability Reporting KPMG International

Richard LinPartner Carbon Management and EU Green Deal KPMG China

Eddie NgPartner ESG Advisory KPMG China


Serene Seah-TanPartnerAudit Quality & Professional Practice KPMG China

Valuation challenges in the current environment

10:15 – 11:30, 7 October 2022

In an environment of rising interest rates and inflationary pressures, questions have been raised regarding how asset fair values could be impacted by these factors. In this webinar, valuation specialists Thomas Leung and Vivien Chan joined Fei Gong and our host, Serene Seah-Tan in discussing the following:

  • How inflation and interest rates impact on discounted cash flow (DCF) analyses
  • Consideration of risk adjustments (including climate risks) in future cash flows
  • Tips and reminders on valuation of real estate
  • Financial reporting and disclosure considerations.


Thomas LeungPartner Valuation Specialist Real Estate KPMG China

Vivien ChanDirector Valuation Services KPMG China

Fei GongDirector Department of Professional Practice KPMG China


Serene Seah-TanPartnerDepartment of Professional Practice KPMG China

Crypto-assets – tax and financial reporting considerations

10:15 – 11:30, 15 July 2022

With crypto-assets grabbing the headlines for various reasons, we hear questions being asked regarding the accounting and tax implications of investing in these assets.  In this upcoming webinar, Martin Friedhoff, Partner and Specialist in financial instruments and Nigel Hobler, Partner in Asset Management joined our host, Serene Seah-Tan in discussing the following:

  • An overview of the types of crypto-assets
  • Accounting considerations (application of the appropriate standards in the absence of clear guidance) and
  • Tax implications from an investor’s perspective.
dollar sign standing on digital tablet


Nigel HoblerPartner Asset Management KPMG China

Martin FriedhoffPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China


Serene Seah-TanPartnerDepartment of Professional Practice KPMG China

Closing the gap between climate risk and climate strategy

15:15 – 16:30, 10 June 2022

With the release of the International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSBTM Board) proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, questions have been raised about what companies need to do, in order to prepare themselves for this radical change in corporate reporting.  In this webinar, we focused on climate risk – a topic which the ISSB Board has issued specific proposals for, and discuss why it’s crucial for companies to bridge risk and strategy when dealing with climate risk. We had Simon Weaver, KPMG’s representative in TCFD and Co-Head of Climate Risk and Decarbonisation Strategy, KPMG UK and Eddie Ng, Partner in ESG Advisory, KPMG China joining our host Irene Chu, Partner in ESG Reporting and Sustainability, KPMG China for this panel discussion covering the following:

  • Highlights of the proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
  • Key impacts and how companies might apply the proposals
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Simon WeaverPartner Member of TCFD  Co-Head of Climate Risk and Decarbonisation Strategy KPMG UK

Eddie NgPartner ESG Advisory Department of Professional Practice KPMG China


Irene ChuPartner ESG Reporting and Sustainability KPMG China

Get ready for 2022 Interim Reporting season

15:45 – 17:00, 20 May 2022

To get ready for this upcoming interim reporting, it would be useful for entities to keep up to date with major IFRS developments and be aware of recent accounting hot topics that may affect a company’s financial statements.  In this upcoming webinar, we had Roy Leung, Head of Accounting Change Advisory and Yifei Gong, Director in Department of Professional Practice, to join our host Serene Seah-Tan, for this panel discussion across a number of accounting topics including:

  • Accounting considerations during uncertain times
  • Latest IFRS Interpretations Committee agenda decisions 
  • IFRS 9 Financial Instruments issues and considerations
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Roy LeungHead of Accounting Change Advisory KPMG China

Yifei GongDirector Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

IFRS Sustainability Standards – The climate-related and general disclosure prototypes

10:15 – 11:30, 18 March 2022

In response to the huge demand for a set of global baseline ESG reporting standards, the IFRS Foundation has issued two sustainability disclosure prototypes. The two prototype standards on climate-related disclosures and general requirements for sustainability disclosures, are based on existing frameworks including the TCFD and SASB requirements, with a focus on enterprise value of the reporting entity. 

We were privileged to have Robert Gibson as our guest panellist, and together with KPMG’s Pat Woo and Len Jui, provide their perspectives on the following topics: 

  • Key proposals from the prototypes
  • How they differ from current frameworks
  • Potential challenges for Hong Kong listed entities and their stakeholders.
eco-friendly tall buildings


Robert GibsonAdjunct Professor Division of Environment and Sustainability HKUST

Pat WooPartner KPMG China, and Global Co-Chair Sustainable Finance KPMG IMPACT

Len JuiDeputy Chair International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) Partner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

HKEX Listing Rules Update

13:45 – 15:00, 26 January 2022

As companies continue to navigate the unprecedented business environment that they are currently operating in, keeping up to date with the evolving regulatory environment is essential to ensure that they are well prepared for the upcoming changes and meeting the expectations of key stakeholders.

In this session, we shared insights on recent changes to the HKEX listing rules, the potential implications for HK listed issuers/listing applicants, and good practices regarding compliance with new requirements.

The webinar focused on the following key topics:

  • Changes to the Corporate Governance Code
  • Proposed amendments to Share Schemes listing rules
  • Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (“SPAC”) and way forward for HK listing regime
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Paul Lau Head of Capital Markets Head of Professional Practice KPMG China

Louis LauPartner Capital Markets Advisory Group KPMG China

Alva LeePartner Head of Internal Audit & Risk Compliance Services KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Year-end Reporting Reminders

10:15 – 11:30, 17 December 2021

2021 continues to be a challenging year for businesses under the evolving pandemic situation. The resilience of businesses under the current climate continue to be the main focus of investors, regulators and other stakeholders.

In this session, Alan Yau, our Head of Real Estate for Hong Kong, addressed some of the topics that he has been discussing with Boards and management, including how companies should prepare for the increased scrutiny around going concern assessment for companies in the real estate sector.

Our specialists from the Department of Professional Practice will highlighted what that means in terms of preparing for the coming year-end reporting. We also discussed the key financial reporting considerations for finance teams and latest developments from the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).

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Alan YauPartner, Audit Head of Real Estate Hong Kong KPMG China

Yifei GongDirector Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Ivy TsoiDirector Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

ESG Reporting Developments

10:15 – 11:30, 19 November 2021

The focus on climate-related risks and their impact on the finances of companies continues to intensify. There is widespread expectation from users of financial statements, including investors and regulators, on preparers to consider and disclose such impacts in the annual reports of companies. Against this backdrop, KPMG's Pat Woo, Irene Chu and Eddie Ng discussed the latest developments in climate risk reporting including highlights from the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) and the implications for corporates.

Our panellists also discussed the key findings from the latest TCFD 2021 Status Report and highlight the important takeaways for our audience.

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Pat WooHead of Sustainable Finance, Hong Kong KPMG China Global Co-Chair, KPMG IMPACT

Irene ChuPartner ESG Reporting and Sustainability KPMG China

Eddie NgPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Update on key IASB projects and recent IFRS amendments

30 September 2021

In this webinar, our in-house experts discussed the latest developments in the IASB’s (International Accounting Standards Board) agenda and changes to existing IFRS Standards including:

  • Goodwill and impairment
  • Primary financial statements
  • Rate-regulated activities
  • IBOR reform phase 2 amendments

Goodwill and impairment and Primary financial statements are two projects which we have covered in previous webinars. In this session, we provided an update on these projects. Also, we provided an overview of the proposed new accounting model under which a company subject to rate regulation would recognise regulatory assets and liabilities. With the IBOR reform Phase 2 amendments becoming effective on 1 January, 2021, we discussed how the amendments would impact the hedging relationships and relevant financial instruments accounting.

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Martin FriedhoffPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Jim TangPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

ESG Updates and Financial Reporting Implications

16 July 2021

Staying close to the latest developments in the Sustainability Reporting space would put the company in a better position to transit as changes come along.

In this webinar, Teresa Ko, IFRS Foundation Trustee & member of the Sustainability Steering Committee, IFRS Foundation, Pat Woo, our Head of Sustainable Finance and Irene Chu, Head of New Economy and Life Sciences, join our host Serene Seah-Tan for the panel discussion which coversthe following:

  • IFRS Foundation’s proposal to establish the “International Sustainability Standards Board”;
  • Update on recent ESG developments; and
  • Climate change and corresponding financial statements implications.
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Teresa KoIFRS Foundation Trustee & member of the Sustainability Steering Committee IFRS Foundation

Pat WooHead of Sustainable Finance Hong Kong KPMG China

Irene ChuHead of New Economy and Life Sciences Hong Kong KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Interim reporting update - What’s on the horizon

14 May 2021

In preparation for the upcoming interim reporting, it would be useful for entities to pay attention to lessons learnt from recent practical financial reporting issues, as well as developments in the IASB’s work plan for impact assessment. For entities that are listed or preparing to get listed, awareness of developments in the capital markets would also be paramount.

In this webinar, we had the pleasure of Roy Leung and Paul Lau in joining our host Serene Seah-Tan for this panel discussion which covered the following:

  • IFRS 16 rent concession amendments
  • Common recent application issues from HKFRS requirements
  • Interpretations Committee activities update
  • IASB work plan major developments
  • Capital markets update
Financial Reporting Webinar Series: Interim reporting update - What’s on the horizon


Paul LauHead of Capital Markets  Head of Professional Practice KPMG China

Roy Leung Head of Accounting Change Advisory KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

IASB project update - Business combinations under common control

19 March 2021

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued its Discussion Paper (DP) on the treatment of business combinations under common control (BCUCC). In particular, the DP sets out the IASB’s preliminary views of when the book-value method or the acquisition method should be applied. 

Restructuring involving BCUCCs are common in companies in preparation for their IPOs. For entities reporting under Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, the proposed requirements would be a significant change from HKICPA’s AG 5 Merger Accounting for Common Control Combinations. 

With this backdrop, the webinar aims to cover the following:

  • Overview of the proposals in the DP
  • Circumstances in which the acquisition or book-value method would be applied
  • Practical considerations of the proposed requirements
Financial Reporting Webinar Series: IASB project update - Business combinations under common control


William Wong Senior Vice President Head of Accounting Affairs Listing Division HKEX 

Cecilia Kwei Director, Standard Setting HKICPA

Paul Lau Head of Capital Markets Head of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Navigating potential accounting fraud

29 January 2021

The COVID-19 crisis has provided an environment with increased opportunity and pressure for fraud to occur. Whilst fraud typologies may not have changed much, the ways they are being perpetrated may be new. It’s time to consider the new environment and reassess whether your mitigation strategies and tactics for mitigating fraud and misconduct are still appropriate, including preventing financial statement fraud. This webinar addresses the following topics:

  • Increasing financial, operational and people challenges in the current environment
  • Financial statement fraud – new pressures and opportunities
  • Accusations and issues highlighted by shortsellers
  • The regulatory landscape
  • Response from management – a mitigation framework
Financial Reporting Webinar Series: Navigating potential accounting fraud


Alan Linning Partner Mayer Brown

Mark BowraPartner Head of Forensic, Hong Kong KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

2020 Year End Considerations

14 December 2020

2020 has been marked by multiple unprecedented developments that cause businesses to pause and rethink. As we draw close to the end of financial year 2020, our panel of speakers shared some key reminders and insights in preparation for the 2020 annual report. 

During the webinar, we covered observations of the financial accounting issues arising for companies operating in Hong Kong and some Mainland-specific issues including:

  • Common issues on the application of IAS/HKAS 36 Impairment of Assets;
  • Lessons learnt applying the revenue, leases and financial instruments standards;
  • Reminders on presentation and disclosure principles in the financial statements; and
  • Use of non-GAAP measures in the annual report.
Financial Reporting Webinar Series: 2020 Year End Considerations


Paul LauHead of Capital Markets Head of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Ko SinPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Yifei GongSenior Manager Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

ESG reporting – Beyond Compliance

13 November 2020

The World Economic Forum (WEF), in collaboration with the Big 4 accounting firms have recently released the Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of  Sustainable Value Creation White Paper in response to the demand for a common reporting framework on ESG metrics. Some business commentators believe that COVID-19 has most likely accelerated the priority on ESG issues globally. In the US alone, Morningstar has reported record inflows into ESG funds in the first half of 2020. 

With the increasing spotlight on ESG, the quality of ESG reports is also a topical issue and investors have increasingly called on companies to get some level of assurance on the reported information.

This webinar discusses the recent developments including:

  • key elements of the WEF common reporting metrics
  • the forthcoming ESG Assurance Reporting guide issued by the HKICPA which encourages listed companies to seek independent assurance to strengthen the creditability of ESG information disclosed in their ESG / sustainability reports. 
Financial Reporting Webinar Series: ESG reporting – Beyond Compliance


Gabriel Wilson-OttoGlobal Head of Sustainability Research BNP Paribas Asset Management

Katherine NgManaging Director, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Policy and Secretariat Services, Listing Division Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 

Joshua WongCorporate Sustainability Manager The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited

Pat WooPartner Head of Sustainable Finance, Hong Kong KPMG China

Serene Seah-TanPartner Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Standing at the crossroads: the search for value in goodwill

18 September 2020

2020 proves to be a challenging year for companies to look through the crystal ball. When it comes to the traditional budgeting season where companies would also be looking into impairment testing of goodwill, "business as usual" would probably be the least likely answer this year.

This webinar explores the current approach on goodwill and impairment; the challenges and criticisms on the current approach to the impairment test and highlight the key proposals from the IASB's discussion paper on this hotly debated topic.

Financial Reporting Webinar Series: Standing at the crossroads: the search for value in goodwill


Janet Cheung Partner, Head of Valuation & Modelling Services, China & Hong Kong KPMG China

Serene Seah-Tan Partner, Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Cyan Sze Partner, Deal Advisory, Corporate Finance, Hong Kong KPMG China

Non-GAAP measures and the way forward for performance reporting

17 July 2020

The International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") has proposed improvements to the way companies report on their financial performance, requiring more comparable information in the income statement; and a more disciplined and transparent approach to the reporting of management-defined performance measures ("non-GAAP measures").

This webinar focuses on the IASB's Primary Financial Statements project and how the presentation of line items in the income statement would change under the proposed requirements.

Financial Reporting Webinar Series: Non-GAAP measures and the way forward for performance reporting


Paul LauHead of Capital Markets Head of Professional Practice KPMG China

Steve OngHead of Accounting Affairs, Listing Division HKEX

Ann TarcaBoard Member IFRS Foundation

ESG reporting – latest developments and HKEX guidance

12 June 2020

An organisation's ESG report demonstrates its ability to identify and manage ESG risks that are linked to financial performance. With the increasing importance of ESG to regulators, investors, bankers and insurers, your ESG report becomes a key component of how your organisation is valued.

In this webinar, our ESG experts shared their insights on the importance of a comprehensive ESG report and how this can help your organisation generate long term stakeholder value.

Presentation slides
Webinar recording (Password: KPMGifrs2)
ESG reporting – latest developments and HKEX guidance


Jocelyn Ho Manager, Sustainability, Management Consulting KPMG China

Pat Woo Partner, Head of Sustainable Finance, Hong Kong KPMG China

Derek Yuen Partner, Assurance, Business Reporting and Sustainability KPMG China

Sailing through the storm with clarity

15 May 2020

This webinar focuses on the potential financial reporting impacts for 2020 period ends and answers the questions that have arisen during this period - what do companies have to watch out for; what actions can they take? A panel of our technical experts shared their insights and reminders on the importance of effective communication through the financial reporting process with investors and other stakeholders.

Presentation slides
Webinar recording (Password: KPMGifrs1)
 Sailing through the storm with clarity


Martin Friedhoff Partner, Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Serene Seah-Tan Partner, Department of Professional Practice KPMG China

Jim Tang Partner, Department of Professional Practice KPMG China