In December 2021, The Hong Kong Monetary Authority issued the Supervisory Policy Manual on Climate Risk Management (“GS-1”), providing guidance to authorised institutions (“AIs”) on new regulatory requirements and expectations for HKMA’s supervision.

This brief outlines regulatory requirements as detailed in the GS-1 manual, and provides KPMG perspectives on how AIs can effectively manage climate-related risks, including:

  • Establishing effective risk governance and risk strategy
  • Principles for effective risk management
  • Recommendations for climate-related financial disclosures

KPMG can support AIs to meet new requirements, including embedding climate considerations throughout their strategy formulation processes, incorporating climate-related risks into their risk management frameworks, and stress testing to ensure effective management of inherent risk and the associated financial impact.

Pat WooGlobal Co-Chair, Sustainable Finance, KPMG IMPACT Head of Environment, Social and Governance, Hong Kong KPMG China

Tom JenkinsHead of Financial Risk Management KPMG China

Michael MontefortePartner, Financial Risk Management KPMG China

Gemini YangPartner, Financial Risk Management KPMG China

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