

Professionalization, governance, management, effectiveness and productivity.

Professionalization, governance, management, effectiveness and productivity.

The Brazilian agribusiness industry increasingly seeks more professionalization, governance, management, effectiveness and productivity in the performance of its activities.

The agribusiness will be one of the industries to stand out the most in terms of growth in the next few years.  Searching for a more professional management of the business is not only a priority, but also a requirement in our highly complex economic environment, facing growing pressure for competitive prices and transparency in the management of companies. 

Consumers, governments and regulatory agencies around the world require more and better controls, effectiveness and traceability. Ultimately, an increasingly wider scope of information and stronger demand for accurate management challenge the industry's groups and companies to continuously adapt and look for innovative and safe solutions for growth and business continuity purposes.

In this sense, relying on the support provided by professionals who not only understand the business, but also understand the local and global trends, aimed at integrating processes, enables more efficiency gains and the allocation of strategic knowledge that help seize future opportunities that must arise in the future.

Our team of professionals specializing in agribusiness has been trained to help your company enhance processes, improve performance and leverage results across all segments comprising the agribusiness industry.

At KPMG, the result of our service is the ongoing process optimization and attainment of the best results, aiming at meeting the client's goals.  We study your business and help it develop specialization areas.

KPMG's agribusiness team is dedicated to assess the need for investments in infrastructure, for perfecting business management and increasing the productivity of factors involving capital and labor.

Rely on our team to reassess your business' processes and optimize how you seize the opportunities that will be created in the agribusiness industry in the next few years.  

Service line:Citrus products, sugar and ethanol, cotton, eucalyptus, grains, livestock breeding, agricultural inputs, among others. 

Agribusiness industry - Services: 

Accounting Audit

  • Audit of the financial statements, accounting diagnostic, limited review and agreed-upon procedures. 
  • Adaptation to Law 11638 – IFRS, training and answers to technical inquiries
  • Technical accounting advisory, reconciliations and assistance in the preparation of financial statements. 
  • Non-financial data assurance. 

Tax and corporate advisory

  • Assessment of tax opportunities.
  • Tax planning and corporate restructuring
  • Tax studies in the family succession.
  • Tax, labor and social security advisory for individuals and legal entities. 
  • Advisory services on the preparation of formal inquiries submitted to tax authorities, assistance to inspections and advisory services on the preparation of defenses and administrative appeals. 


  • Debt restructuring.
  • Project structuring and financing (Bonds, Funding & Capital Markets).
  • Cost reduction process, process analyses, and redesign.
  • Assessment of companies purchase and sale transactions (Due diligence). 
  • Internal audit and corporate risk management.
  • Corporate governance.
  • Strategic and operational information technology (IT).
  • Review of contracts entered into with third parties.
  • Ethics hotline and whistle-blowing hotline.
  • Fraud and corruption investigations and support provided to lawsuits.
  • E-crime investigations. 
  • Integration in mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
  • Executive Recruitment and Selection.


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