Citizenship - Bahrain

Citizenship - Bahrain

We have increased our activities to help build the capability of governments.

We have increased our activities to help build the capability of governments.

At KPMG, we believe that we can inspire confidence through our actions and investments, working to help lift people beyond poverty and ensure economic growth is balanced with the need to sustain our environment. We also believe that we have a responsibility to empower our people and communities through our strategic leadership on key issues. At KPMG in Bahrain, we are committed to making a real difference in the local community and we regularly carry out activities and programs focused around education, community and overall ethical business practices.


The Jassim Fakhro fund is our flagship corporate citizenship initiative, established in 2001 to support the professional growth of young Bahrainis. The fund was created to honor Jassim Fakhro - the co-founder of KPMG in Bahrain.

It provides our people access to financial and mentoring support to pursue professional qualifications. KPMG’s annual internship program provides valuable work experience to students, helps introduce them to the corporate world and prepares them for successful careers.


KPMG’s Score for Charity is an annual football tournament which raises funds for charitable causes.

We support national and global health and fitness related causes, including World Cancer Awareness Week and the Bahrain Marathon, helping to raise money and awareness.

We conduct health check-ups for staff and blood donations.

We set up the KPMG entrepreneurship club to mentor and train owners of small to medium sized businesses, helping them to grow their business and increase their positive impact on the local economy.

Ethical business

We provide pro-bono audit and advisory services for not-for-profit and non governmental organizations.

KPMG is a founding board member of the Pearl Initiative, an independent not-for-profit institution working across the region to influence and improve corporate accountability and transparency.
