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Accelerating the Pace of Change: From Action to Impact – 2023 Review


For the third year in a row, KPMG International is proud to have worked with the CGF to co-author their annual report. In a world marked by ongoing conflicts and escalating crises, society has found a common resiliency. This resiliency reflects the collective ambition within the C&R industry and the CGF for change towards a more sustainable future.

In this report, you will find tangible actions of the collective efforts and commitment of the Coalitions of Action and members towards creating a more sustainable and equitable global marketplace, emphasizing transparency and openness. 

KPMG is pleased to have been able to play a part in shining a light on the Coalition of Action’s progress and achievements over the past year. In response to the accelerating challenges of climate change and social inequality, KPMG is proud to support organizations like the CGF that are committed to uniting actions with a firm belief in the capacity to drive positive change.

Sustainability is at the heart of what KPMG firms do with colleagues and clients around the world. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are the watermark running through KPMG firms — from empowering KPMG professionals to becoming agents of positive change, to the services that support clients and relationships with organizations like the CGF.

KPMG professionals have the global access, knowledge, technology and relationships that gives them the ability and responsibility to use their position to provide strategies and services that can help overcome challenges facing the planet and society.

Accelerating the Pace of Change - 2023 review

KPMG International worked with The Consumer Goods Forum on their 2023 review which highlights progress towards a sustainable future in the consumer and retail industry.

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Accelerating pace of change

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