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Future Mobility

Public and personal transport in the digital age and for the citizens of tomorrow.

racing car

The world is on the cusp of a transport technological revolution. The combination of electric vehicles, mobility as a service and autonomous transport will transform the way we live and work. But the pace of change presents challenges for public authorities, who are grappling to understand how to ensure the outcome creates societal good, and private organizations whose business models are being disrupted.

KPMG is working with public and private sector organizations across all industries to help them develop strategies to navigate and ensure the benefit from the future mobility revolution.

We believe the fundamental priorities for government, transport authorities and providers are clear: mobility on demand for a modern customer experience, smart systems to optimize capacity, predictive assets, and new funding methods to deliver connected infrastructure. Bold new approaches to the delivery of transport services are possible; contact us to explore how we can help you.

Our Insights

Trend 1: A broader focus for the Just Transition

An opportunity to ensure that the transition is just, fair and equitable

Trend 2: A turn in geopolitics

Can we put global good ahead of other interests?


Our people

Richard Threlfall new
Richard Threlfall

Global Head of Infrastructure, Government and Healthcare (IGH)

KPMG International

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