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For a plan or a budget to be successful, it is first necessary to assess all development factors so that the executive management can subsequently determine which to include and which to omit. KPMG helps clients deliver a fit-for-purpose financial planning and performance management framework in order to help the business to make better decisions. KPMG can help to align budgeting, forecasting and management reporting with strategic business goals by:

  • development a steering and performance management framework, operational key performance indicators aligned with strategic goals;
  • identifying and assessing budgeting, forecasting and management reporting processes inefficiencies and providing recommendations for process redesign, organizational alignment and technology enhancement and development a roadmap for change;
  • development of a target planning and reporting methodology and implementation of the methodology based on relevant IT solution.

Cost Accounting & Management

The past few years have seen most companies adjust their business to ‘react’ to difficult economic conditions. In today’s business environment, organizations need insight into the cost and related profitability of their products, customers, and their different activities. Managers need accurate information into cost drivers to assess cost implications to be able to quickly take corrective actions in light of changing market circumstances. Furthermore, potential cost optimization exercises need a solid, objective basis for benchmarking to start from. The costing analysis results in a comprehensive database that can serve as a foundation for:

  • insight in and determination of the cost structure and profitability of services, markets and clients;
  • strategic decision making and outsourcing;
  • business process improvement;
  • benchmarking;
  • corporate performance measurement.

By combining practical experience with a solid academic background KPMG’s professionals can help to develop a cost management framework, methodology, models and improve cost management:

  • assessment of alignment of cost accounting methodology with strategic and operational goals;
  • providing recommendations for cost accounting processes and methodology redesign and development a roadmap for change;
  • development of a target cost allocation methodology, cost models and implementation based on relevant IT solution.

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