Support of the SDGs

Support of the SDGs

The Global Goals are an ambitious plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.

The Global Goals are an ambitious plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.


In January 2016, 193 UN member states started working towards a new set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals aimed at making our world more prosperous, inclusive, sustainable and resilient.

These Global Goals are an ambitious plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. They are universal, applying to all nations and people, seeking to tackle inequality and leave nobody behind. The ambition is to end extreme poverty and hunger by 2030.

Our commitments

We are signatory to the:

  • Ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
  • Sustainable Development Goal Business Manifesto (PDF 1.29 MB), joining with 20 other organizations to articulate private sector willingness to help deliver sustainable development.
  • Zero Hunger Declaration, promoting corporate strategies that will result in zero stunted children under two years old, 100 percent access to adequate food all year round, sustainable food systems, 100 percent increase in smallholder productivity and income, and zero loss or waste of food.


Our activities:

KPMG International applies member firms’ skills, resources and influence in pursuit of the Global Goals. Our member firms’ people contribute to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals through their client work. Our corporate citizenship programs particularly focus on Education and Lifelong Learning (Goal 4). KPMG International develops thought leadership and tools to inspire and equip organizations to increase their contribution to sustainable development. These include:

Sustainable Development Goal Industry Matrix: KPMG International and the UNGC have developed six industry matrices which provide industry-specific practical examples and ideas for action for each Global Goal. They profile opportunities which companies expect to create value for shareholders and for society.

Boardroom Questions on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (PDF 155 KB): A two-page summary of what is happening, the implications and suggested considerations (also available in French, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish).

Unlocking the Power of Partnership: A Framework for Effective Cross-Sector Collaboration (PDF 1.94 MB): A publication providing insights on effective, transformative partnerships to deliver the Global Goals.

  • Lifelong Learning: Creating the Change We Need for the World We Want (PDF 1.7MB): Learn about the new global education agenda, KPMG’s 2020 ambition, and shared value business opportunities.
  • Enhancing Collaboration in Pursuit of SDG 4: Literacy and Lifelong Learning (PDF 0.6MB): Two pages of reflections and ideas from a multi-stakeholder roundtable held in London in March 2017.

Demystifying the Public Private Partnership Paradigm: The nexus between insurance, sustainability and growth (PDF 1.34 MB): A publication launched at the inaugural UN Insurance Summit in New York in June 2015.

Building Agribusiness Value Chains in Africa in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (PDF 720 KB): Two pages of reflections from a multi-stakeholder roundtable held in London in April 2016 to seek collaborative solutions.