The management of taxation is being transformed by technology. Technology and innovation can be the difference between a tax department that is on the defensive, a department that is simply keeping pace and one that is proactively building a proud narrative inside the organisation. This means that tax technology is an important enabler of effective tax department design and delivery. The availability of cheaper, cloud-based technologies, the advent of low-cost automation and large-scale digitalisation of tax compliance means that a clear strategy to leverage technology is more important than ever. The options available can be overwhelming. We can help clients navigate these complexities. Our practice includes professionals with backgrounds in tax, data and analytics, visualisation, enterprise, tax technologies and intelligent automation. They are dedicated to automating tax processes and using the benefits of automation and data extraction to analyse tax data to drive further insights.

We help you access tried and tested technologies, including our proprietary KPMG solution, Digital Gateway and other technologies used by our alliance partners. Digital Gateway is powered by Microsoft Azure and is built on the cloud. It’s a single platform solution that gives you access to the full suite of KPMG Tax & Legal technologies.

Our tax technology insights

How we can help you

To help, a host of tax technologies have been developed by KPMG to help tax leaders and their departments tackle regulatory change, facilitate streamlined processes, turn data into value and enable effective collaboration across the tax department and beyond. We can help you to: • Establish a technology and data strategy for your tax function to access faster, more accurate reporting and forecasting data, aligned to clear business metrics to enable informed strategic decisions and improved performance • Ensure your existing finance and/or ERP systems are properly tax sensitised to provide standardised tax determination and reporting functionality across your business • Deliver potential cost and resource savings by reducing the time spent on consolidating, analysing and reporting data through improved data extraction and automation and identify weaknesses in your business and tax processes and put in place data analysis tools to act as compensating controls  

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