The world is changing, fast. The current economic climate is putting organisations under immense pressure to evolve. The rapid evolution of AI and Generative-AI is at the forefront of the change, alongside pressure to retain top talent in an ever-competitive landscape. 

Keeping pace with these evolving changes is critical for sustained business performance. Recognising the value of your talent and incentivising them to grow, is front and centre of leadership teams’ priorities.

Next Gen HR and the role of the HR Function, are central to steering Executive leadership through this period. Next Gen HR explores what the future HR operating model, AI and technology landscape should look like to enable sustained success. 

What is an HR Pathfinder?

HR Pathfinders are around the top 10 percent of HR Functions, who are leading their peers on adding strategic value and integrating the HR Function into the wider business. 

HR Pathfinders are leading the way with Next Gen HR. They are focusing on integrated and mutually reinforcing capabilities such as employee experience, data and analytics, workforce shaping, digital HR and learning into the HR Function. To support the AI-enabled ecosystem, Pathfinders are reimagining the entire HR operating model.

Introducing Next Gen HR

Next Gen HR considers the new wave of transformation holistically – it goes beyond the traditional tech implementation. Next Gen HR is the evolution and transformation of HR Functions to meet the changing needs of the modern workforce to drive sustainable growth and business.

At KPMG we design future-thinking operating models, connecting all our People Consulting proposition areas, with tangible, data-driven metrics to keep your business on track to becoming a Pathfinder.

Find out more about Next Gen HR and how we can help you by viewing the interactive eBook here or downloading the full report here.

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