Board diversity and inclusion

As an essential component for sustainable
growth, the need for relevant experience,
diversity and inclusion in the boardroom
remains front and centre for investors,
regulators, and other stakeholders

Uncovering social mobility in the boardroom

Businesses are increasingly being driven to represent the communities they serve and benefit from the diversity of thought that creates, but socio-economic background is missing – at least for the moment. Our survey provides analysis on the socio-economic background of board members, the challenges and practical steps to enact change.

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Change the Race Ratio – Executive Sponsor Forum

Hosted jointly by the CBI’s Change the Race Ratio and KPMG, an audience of CEOs and senior executives came together to discuss how momentum can be driven even harder in the quest for fairness, opportunity and equality for all. It’s time to shift the dial.

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The imperative for LGBTQ+ inclusion

Five questions for boards to assess whether their LGBTQ+ related policies and practices are oriented toward the future

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Critical thinking: Embracing cognitive diversity in the boardroom

Examining cognitive diversity amongst current board members can help highlight a lack of thinking style or identify skills sets required of new board members. What type of thinkers do you need around the boardroom table?

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Contact us to find out how the KPMG Board Leadership Centre can support your non-executive career.

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