Audit Committee Institute

The Audit Committee Institute (ACI) provides guidance and resources to audit committees, helping to facilitate the skills and knowledge required.

How are audit committees keeping pace with disruptive risk and digital transformation?
Read our UK summary of the latest Audit Committee Pulse survey
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Trending now

Audit Committee Institute

2024 Corporate Governance Code

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Audit and assurance policies Read

2024 Guidance on Corporate Governance Code Read

Audit committee Standard: External audit Read


COVID-19 - Challenges to auditing

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COVID-19 Corporate reporting implications Read

COVID-19 Corporate governance and reporting Read

COVID-19 - Guidance on the reporting timetable for listed companies Read

On the 2024 audit committee agenda

Drawing on insights from our conversations with audit committee chairs here’s nine issues audit committees should consider on their 2024 agendas

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FRC principles for operational seperation of audit practices Read

Auditor transition: Pulse survey of audit committee chairs View

Private sessions: Questions for audit committees Question

2018 UK Corporate Governance Code

The 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code focuses on long term success, sustainability and ensuring the attractiveness of the UK capital market.

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The UK Corporate Governance Code Read

Leveraging internal audit to help monitor and access culture View

Stakeholder engagement Question

Corporate Governance

The 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code states that boards should create a method of gathering views of the workforce, we examine how workforce directors can add value.

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Review of corporate governance reporting Read

Views of the workforce and designated NEDs View

Workforce advisory panels Question

Audit Committee Institute

Revision to the going concern UK auditing standard

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Encouraging the reporting of misconduct Read

Audit 2023: Is this how you’ll uncover fraud? View

Fraud and whistle blowing: Questions for audit committees’ Question

Audit Committee Institute

Guidance for audit committee chairs

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The importance of the audit committee chair’s leadership in setting the committee’s tone, work style, and agenda is vital to the committee’s effectiveness. Read

Becoming an audit committee member Watch

Effective conversations: Questions for audit committees Question

Read & Watch

Kings speech and FRC policy update

Read report

Tapping into internal audit’s holistic view of risk

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Reporting on the Wates Principles

Read report

Maintaining critical alignments during disruption and turmoil

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Conversations with US audit committee chairs

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Review of corporate governance reporting

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AIM Companies: The consequences of choosing different governance codes

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Audit quality: The views of audit committee chairs

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Climate change reporting

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The 2023 ICAEW CPD requirements explained

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The supply chain trends shaking up 2023

Read report

Onboarding new audit committee members

Read report

Global IAA Standards?

Read report

Becoming an audit committee member

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An audit committee lens on ESG reporting

Read report

Improving the quality of comply or explain reporting

Read report


2023 FTSE350 audit committee chairs’ survey

Insights into how FTSE350 audit committee chairs are preparing for the forthcoming governance and audit reforms – including thinking about their future assurance needs

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2023 Global audit committee survey

A global survey providing insights to help audit committees sharpen their focus, benchmark responsibilities and strengthen oversight

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2023 Global audit committee survey: Summary

A global survey providing insights to help audit committees sharpen their focus, benchmark responsibilities and strengthen oversight

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Audit Tenders: CFO and audit committee chairs

FTSE350 CFOs and audit committee chairs share their views on the key decision making criteria used, attitudes to reappointing the incumbent and additional areas of assurance being sought

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Audit Tenders

Audit committee members share their views on the key decision making criteria used, attitudes to reappointing the incumbent and additional areas of assurance being sought

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Audit quality

UK audit committee members share their views of auditor scepticism, challenge of management and audit quality in our 2020 survey

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2019 Global Audit Committee Pulse Survey

A global survey providing insights to help audit committees sharpen their focus, benchmark responsibilities and strengthen oversight

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Auditor transition

UK audit committee members look at auditor transition, handover, business impact, the degree to which tender ‘promises’ had been delivered and the challenges of transition

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The risks and benefits of changing auditors

Regular audit tendering and rotation is now business as usual. This survey explores the perceived risks and benefits of changing the external auditor.

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Audit Committee Questions

Reviewing and assessing financial statements

Questions audit committees might ask when reviewing and assessing financial statements

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Accounting policies judgements and estimates

Questions audit committees might ask when considering accounting policies, judgments and estimates

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Narrative reporting and non-GAAP measures

Questions audit committees might ask when considering narrative reporting and non-GAAP measures

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Oversight of risk

Questions audit committees might ask when exercising oversight of risk

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Assessing internal control systems

Questions audit committees might ask when exercising oversight of internal control systems

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Fraud and whistle-blowing

Questions audit committees might ask when considering fraud risk and whistle-blowing processes

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External audit scope

Questions audit committees might ask when considering the scope of the external audit

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Assessing external audit effectiveness

Questions audit committees might ask when assessing external audit effectiveness

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Private sessions with the external auditor

Questions audit committees might ask when planning and executing their private sessions with the external auditor

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Internal audit scope

Questions audit committees might ask when considering the scope of the internal audit

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Assessing internal audit effectiveness

Questions audit committees might ask when assessing internal audit effectiveness

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Private sessions with the internal auditor

Questions audit committees might ask when planning and executing their private sessions with the head of internal audit

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Questions audit committees might ask when considering the effectiveness of the committee's performance

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Chairing the audit committee

A look at the characteristics of good audit committee chair

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Getting the right information

Questions audit committees might ask when considering the propriety of information flows and whether they have access to the right information

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Effective audit committee conversations

Questions audit committees might ask when considering the effectiveness of their audit committee conversations

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Audit Committee induction and onboarding

Questions to ask when considering the induction and onboarding of new audit committee members

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Tools and best practice

Resources that can be used by audit committees in preparing their own policies, procedures and disclosures

Audit Effectiveness Checklist

Ensuring the quality of your external audit.


Audit Committee Assessment Tool

Creating, maintaining and leveraging an effective audit committee.


Audit Terms of reference

Terms of Reference for the audit committee (by kind permission of ICSA: The Governance Institute)


Tender process

A short guide to getting real value from the audit tender process

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Audit tendering

A specimen audit committee statutory report on the audit tender process


Non-audit services policy

A specimen non-audit services policy for a Public Interest Entity


Meeting agenda

Pro-forma of an audit committee meeting planner to help board members plan and tailor what gets addressed at each meeting


Private session

Questions intended to stimulate thought around the type of issues that could be raised with the auditor in a private meeting


ACI Handbook

Access full handbook


Global Network

Explore our Audit Committee Institute network operating in over 38 countries and jurisdictions

Who to contact

Board Leadership Centre
KPMG in the UK
Director, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity – Board Leadership Centre
KPMG in the UK