As disasters wreak havoc across the globe, we are poised at a historic crossroads regarding the very future of our planet. Transformational change has become inevitable as the clock ticks down on one of the greatest challenges of our time.

The 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development is a global action plan to transform our world and set it on a promising new trajectory. Unfortunately, as this report highlights, systemic roadblocks continue to impede progress and threaten our prospects for success in meeting the UN’s goals. Is there cause for alarm? KPMG professionals believe so. And we are not alone.

KPMG firms, in collaboration with the United Cities initiative, have undertaken a revealing Dynamic Risk Assessment (DRA) to understand the barriers impairing cities on the world’s time-sensitive journey to 2030. The United Cities program provides an international platform for information sharing and partnership building, bringing the world’s cities together in hopes of meeting the UN goals.

In addition to the findings shared in this joint report, KPMG professionals spoke to several United Cities experts, city leaders from around the world and other urban experts for their insights on what the future may hold – and how local leaders, businesses and communities everywhere should unite and seek to respond as one without delay.

The methodology for this DRA comprised engagement via interviews and workshops with subject matter professionals from an array of industries as well as organizations in the public and private sectors. Their insightful perspectives and compelling findings go beyond North America and Europe to include global voices from Asia, Latin America and Africa on the severe risks that need to be mitigated if there is hope for a new future.

We invite you to explore the report and read through the insightful perspectives and compelling findings that take you beyond the first world narrative and encourage you to download the report to unpack all the research.

Global Banking CEO Outlook, PDF cover

Time is running out for cities

A guide to help cities achieve their UN Sustainable Development Goals

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