KPMG are committed to supporting the Private Equity firms and their portfolio companies. We’ve worked with the Initiative Climat International (iCI) and the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA) in response to calls from PE firms for practical guidance on climate disclosures.

Watch as the experts talk through the guide and their key takeaways.

The TCFD has published guidance for asset managers but does not consider some of the specificities of PE firms managing closed-ended funds holding portfolios of unlisted SMEs, including their holding period, the significant changes in portfolio composition over the life of a fund, operational complexities (e.g., fund structures and data flows), and the requirement to disclose at various levels (e.g., firm, fund and portfolio company level).

This document provides recommendations related to these considerations: it highlights good practices for PE firms and illustrates the potential approaches that private markets firms may take to disclose information in a way that reflects their specific structure.

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