Housing associations face a growing range of cost pressures including higher expectations of housing quality, health and safety requirements, decarbonisation and regulation as well as the disruption caused by COVID-19. These potentially impact on their ability to build new homes, manage existing homes for their customers and build sustainable communities.

Housing associations manage over 2.7million homes for communities around the country. In 2018/19 they built more than 49,000 new homes1, almost a third of new homes completed2. Looking to the future, more will be expected.

Housing associations can only build on this scale by working closely with funders, private sector housebuilders, regeneration developers and contractors. Our social housing team is closely linked to colleagues with deep expertise in these sectors. We also work with central, regional and local government bodies. We help them address the UK’s housing shortage and reimagine their approach to sustainable communities.



1 Gov.uk. Global Accounts units developed (in England). Published 24 January 2020. 

2 Office of National Statistics. UK house building: permanent dwellings started and completed. Published April 2020. 


We are a leading provider of audit, tax and advisory services to large housing associations. Examples of our work include:

  • Audit or tax services to housing associations across the country. Our clients range from the largest national associations to smaller, more locally focussed providers.
  • Assistance with mergers between housing associations. 
  • Joining forces with homeless charity Shelter to develop a comprehensive programme for building new homes.


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