• Tim Sarson, Partner |
  • Bethan Thomas, Partner |
1 min read

Is remote working dead? How can you get ahead of the ever-evolving international remote working trend? Are your tax frameworks and tax policies keeping up with the new ways of working?

Tax leaders have a difficult job of trying to find a balance between safeguarding their business in a dynamic legislative landscape and helping fill the talent and skill gaps. There is a clear role for tax leaders to shape how location flexibility evolves within their organisations and stay ahead of the game.

Bethan Thomas and Michelle Berners-Price are KPMG UK Partners and Global Mobility specialists who advise clients on the constantly changing landscape of international remote working. They are joined by Tim Sarson, KPMG UK Head of Tax Policy, to share their perspective on the latest trends they are seeing and why these matter to tax leaders everywhere.

If you want to discuss any of these complexities in more detail, please reach out to your KPMG advisor or contact Bethan Thomas or Michelle Berners-Price.