On 2 April 2020 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Regulation No. 255 that introduces new restrictions aimed to stop of COVID-19 proliferation. List of new restrictions that will be in place until the end of quarantine (24 April) includes the following:

  • prohibition to attend public areas without wearing a mask or respirator;
  • prohibition to walk in groups of more than two persons (except in cases of work-related necessity or accompanying of minors);
  • prohibition to be outside without identification documents;
  • prohibition to visit parks, garden squares, recreation areas, forest parks and coastal areas (except for walking pets or in case of work-related necessity);
  • prohibition to visit sports- and playgrounds;
  • prohibition to attend public areas for children under 14 unaccompanied;
  • Individuals older than 60 years shall self-isolate.

Abovementioned restrictions are supplemental to the list of measures introduced by the Government earlier. Except for restrictions, the Government extended list of businesses that are allowed to work during the quarantine (subject to adherence to preventive measures). The list was supplemented with the following:

  • financial institutions;
  • companies that sell details and devices for transport and agricultural vehicles;
  • companies that sell telecommunication devices etc.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine also set forth mandatory self-isolation and medical observation guidance.

Should you have any questions about new legislation or how these changes affect you, please contact us.The recent Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has created new challenges for the business environment that require a thoughtful, practical and informed approach from leaders. We have prepared a web-site page with materials how to embed resilience and help your business to face this challenging times. KPMG in Ukraine is ready to help you find the answers to your business questions related to coronavirus. Please write your questions with the subject “Business request as of coronavirus” to us by mail — info@kpmg.ua.

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