Solvency Strategies

Solvency Strategies

Insolvency can be a difficult time. Together, we’ll find solvency strategies that work.

Insolvency can be a difficult time. Together, we’ll find solvency strategies that work.

Navigating the Process

Insolvency can be a difficult time. KPMG’s integrated team of specialists helps you develop a properly designed and executed plan that will enable you to manage the complex financial, regulatory and legal obligations and give you a strong base from which to rescue your business. Together, we’ll find solvency strategies that work.

Insolvency, like any other business transaction, presents both risks and opportunities. Properly designed and executed, a solvency strategy enables you to manage the complex financial, regulatory and legal obligations of an insolvency in order to realize value for both the company and its creditors. Aligned to make complex matters manageable, our integrated team of specialists helps you:

  • determine the extent and urgency of the distress
  • assess short-term value options
  • gain stakeholder support
  • develop an achievable insolvency plan
  • implement and monitor the plan to maximize value

Our integrated team of specialists helps you ask and answer the key questions with confidence through the development, implementation and completion of an insolvency.


Distressed corporates: How serious is the problem? Assess the level of distress and the timeframe in which action is needed. Identifying the insolvency options that are likely to provide a return to creditors, highlighting any requirements for new money and forecasting risks will help you focus on short-term wins and protect value.


Insolvency planning: What are my options? Assess the relative merits of the available procedures, including their ability to maximize value, the level of stakeholder engagement and consent they require, the timeframe and the degree of control they give you. Having more than one option can increase your negotiating strength.


Commencing insolvency: What needs to happen when my Company is in a formal protection process? Preparing for Day 1 involves proper filing of extensive appointment/ initiation documents and the strategic disclosure of information as well as an effective communication policy to secure stakeholder support. Refreshing your strategy as stakeholder dynamics change and contingency data become outdated will enable you to navigate the complex documentation required to formalize the insolvency.


Implementation: How do I maximize value?Support the strategic goals of the insolvency by monitoring progress carefully and managing multiple work streams. Value can be increased by both planned and unplanned developments, so take an organized but flexible approach to the implementation process.


Exiting a formal process: How does my Company get back to normal? Evaluate exit routes to determine which one results in the least damage to the asset and the best return for creditors. An exit plan that accommodates any unexpected or lingering issues will provide a strong base from which to rescue your business.


Our integrated team of specialists has the ability to implement decisions, not just plan and recommend. We help you assess the impact and risks of various options, identify the right filing jurisdiction, and prepare a detailed insolvency plan that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders. We support you as you position your company for a return to full health and financial standing.

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