Social Enterprise Service

Social Enterprise Service

Our vision is be the thought leader of social enterprise industry and leverage resources to complete eco-system of social enterprise in Taiwan

Our vision is be the thought leader of social enterprise industry...

KPMG Social Enterprise Services

Supporting stakeholders in creating positive social impact and sustainable business value through innovative social engagement.  

The development of Social Enterprises has become a global trend. In different countries, Social Enterprise has been proved as a business model which is an effective way to solve social and environmental issues and to achieve sustainable management. This thought spreads to mainstream corporates, government sectors, and investing organizations to drive comprehensive Social Innovation gradually. Social Innovation emphasizes connecting multi-stakeholders, promoting various partnerships to achieve breakthroughs of social or environmental transformations.  

KPMG has been focusing on the development of both social innovation and social enterprise. In 2014, KPMG established a service team which entrusted by the central and local governments in audit, tax, legal, advisory, and sustainability strategy, as well as its network among medium-to-large enterprises, to support social enterprises in stabilizing financial/legal affairs, constructing operation models, expanding business, developing strategies, etc. By 2020, the team has counseled over a hundred social innovation organizations and facilitated hundreds of collaborations among mainstream companies, industry associations, and social enterprises.   

Social innovation emphasizes synergy, which is the reason KPMG has been actively leading mainstream companies to devote themselves to social innovation. Starting from the vision of a better society, KPMG supports clients in planning corporate social innovation blueprint through negotiating with stakeholders, identifying crucial issues and needs. This allows mainstream companies to provide resources to solve social and environmental issues from its main business and core competency, while creating shared value, improving operational efficiency, and exploring new markets. The KPMG Social Enterprise Services team is also expanding its services to global networks, transferring more knowledge into values, supporting the global community with professional services.



The think tank for promoting social innovation

Supporting public sectors and intermediary organizations in promoting social innovation, providing trend analysis, policy blueprinting, action planning, and execution, to help the growth of the ecosystem in social innovation.  

  • Global trend analysis
  • Policy blueprinting
  • Action Planning

Social Enterprise Advisory

Supporting social entrepreneurs in identifying the social mission, designing business models, constructing operation models, and evaluating social impact, to continuously scale up the business with its core mission.

  • Construct social enterprise strategies and business models
  • Assess social enterprise finances/legal affairs/risks/opportunities
  • Integrate social entrepreneurship into nonprofit organizations 


Corporate Social Innovation Advisory

Supporting corporates in social innovation through blueprinting, designing strategy, and action planning related to its main business and core competency.


  • Develop and consult social innovation vision/performance/strategy
  • Consult and execute social innovation plans. 
  • Identify collaboration opportunities among social enterprise and social innovation organizations
  • Consult corporate foundations in social engagement 


Impact Investing Evaluation Service

Leverage the investor's preference system, to identify, match, screen, and evaluate the feasibility and potential of the investment targets. Assist investors and organizations to continuously deliver positive outcomes on both social impacts and return on investment. 


  • Investment diagnosis and advisory
  • Investment target evaluation tools
  • Investment target screening and evaluation
  • Investment management consultation


Social Impact Evaluation Report and Assurance

Providing social impact evaluation, reports, and assurance on various social innovation projects/ organizations, and design strategies and communication plans that help facilitate the negotiation among stakeholders.

  • Impact evaluation reports and assurance 
  • Strategies and communication plans design


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