Wayne Lai

Chief Digital Officer, Advisory Services Dept., Partner

KPMG in Taiwan

Wayne Lai is the Chief Digital Officer and partner at KPMG Taiwan. His expertise includes guiding clients through their digital transformation process, orchestrating enterprise data governance strategies and helping businesses to achieve their goals. As a leader of the customer growth and digital innovation consulting team, he's committed to creating a human-centric and sustainable transformation journey with customers, employees, and stakeholders’ best interests in mind. He hosts the Podcast "CDO’s Meeting Room" where he invites business leaders to share latest market trends and business stories. He’s also a columnist at a leading Taiwanese business media “Global Views Monthly”. Wayne is currently serving as a member of the AI and Digital Committee of the National Chamber of Commerce and as a director at FinTech Industry Development Association.

  • MBA, University of Sheffield, UK

  • MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer)