George Chen

Senior Counsel

KPMG in Taiwan

Mr. Chen has practiced Law since he passed bar in 1981 in Taiwan and he also passed the national judicial examination for judge in 1981 with the highest score. His earlier practicing areas included international trade, banking, maritime and cross border commercial dispute.
Mr. Chen has practiced intellectual property related law areas. He handled and assisted the first Taiwanese company investigated by patent infringement before the U.S. International Trade Commission under the 337 Article of the Tariff Act. He successfully representing many Taiwanese companies to negotiate patent license with the U.S. & European patent holders.
He also representing Taiwanese hi-tech and IT companies for patent licensing; negotiation & litigation in the U.S. either negotiation or litigation brought and filed by companies such as IBM, AT&T, RCA, Lucent, TI, Philips, Intel, Siemens, Micron, Kodak, O2 Micro, Hitachi, NEC, Toshiba, Sharp, Seiko, Samsung, Sisvel, OKI, EMI(TENA), Heraeus, Rockwell, Harris, Gertrude Neumark Rothchild etc.
He represented the IFPI (RIT) in the first Taiwan P2P (peer to peer) related copyright infringement case on the Internet. He also represented the first copyright infringement case regarding platform for movie DVD rental on Internet in Taiwan. And he represented a leading and largest book publisher in the first electronic database copyright infringement case in Taiwan. He also presented the first Taiwan trade secret related criminal case for the Industrial Technology Research Institute.
In addition to practicing law, Mr. Chen provided lectures with respect to artificial intelligence, blockchain and fin-tech in the recent years. He taught the U.S. patent litigation as the Technical Personnel at Professor Level, Graduate School of Law in the National Taiwan University. And he had been the Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property in the National Chengchi University.
  • AI and Blockchain related Law
  • Internet; Electronic Commence and Intellectual Property Related Law
  • Dispute resolution/Counseling/Licensing/Litigation on Copyright; Patent and Trade Secret
  • Defending/Negotiating the patent related litigation before the U.S. Federal Courts & ITC
  • Fair Trade Law/Anti-trust; Unfair Competition; Entertainment Law; Media Law and Consumer Protection.


Published Articles in Chinese

  • Artificial Intelligence, deep Learning/reinforcement Learning related patents and cases study on the machine learning patent infringement cases in early stage of the U.S., Cross Strait Law Review, Angel Law Book, No.65, 2019.9.
  • Comment on the judgment held by the Beijing Court in the copyright infringement case Fei Lin Law Firm v. Baidu – defendant arguing works created by AI is not qualified copyright protection - the first AI case in China, Court Case Times, Angel Law Book, No. 86, 2019.8.
  • Legal issues regarding patent, financial supervision (RegTech) and damage liability of the cleaner robotics/robo advisor and artificial intelligence, Education Law Review, National Taiwan Normal University, No.3, 2019.6.
  • Briefly talking about various legal issues on the AI artificial intelligence, Taiwan Jurist, Angel Law Book, No. 200, 2019.6.
  • The three stage developments of the artificial intelligence technology and analysis on the AI related patentability/eligible subject matter and expert system patent infringement case, Education Law Review, National Taiwan Normal University, No.2, 2018. 12.
  • Fin-Tech related case study of the U.S. patent infringement litigation , ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) Project Report (ITRI 2016~17).
  • Cases study on the U.S. patent infringement litigation under Federal District Court, CAFC (Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) and the Supreme Court, ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) Project Report (ITRI 2014~17).
  • Electronics
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Internet
  • Media
  • Metals
  • Mining
  • Publishing
  • Tax
  • Technology
  • Transfer Pricing
  • Master, University of Washington School of Law (LL.M.)

  • Graduated from National Taiwan University School of Law (LL.B.)

  • Admitted to Patent Office (Intellectual Property Office)

  • Passing Taipei Bar & National Justice Examination