Ayşegül Eser

Director, Strategy & Operations

KPMG in Turkey

Aysegul began her career as an Analyst / Associate Consultant at PwC in year 2010, and worked as Consultant, Senior Consultant and Manager respectively for global consulting firms such as IMS Consulting Group and Accenture. Aysegul joined KPMG Global Strategy Team as Manager in 2018. Aysegul has deep knowledge and specialized on corporate growth strategy and marketing derived by financial analysis and customer analytics. Aysegul served to many international and local companies operating in many different sectors such as finance, telecom, pharmaceutical and health, retail, FMCG, production, insurance, automotive etc. at different geographies by leading E2E field work of 30+ projects on many fields.

  • Market Analysis and Market Growth Modelling
  • Investment Optimization and Investment Feasibility Analysis
  • Market Entry, Investment and Growth Strategies Development
  • Sell-side Commercial Due Diligence
  • Product Group / Product Performance Forecasting
  • Portfolio Optimization Modelling and Portfolio Management
  • Product / Dealer - Distributor / Customer / Bundle Segmentation
  • Field Force Optimization and Territory Alignment
  • Incentive System Modelling
  • Customer Experience Management (CEM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Practices
  • Next Best Offer Modelling
  • Alternative Sales Channels Strategy Development
  • Call Centre Operations Optimization
  • Advisory
  • Customer Revenue Growth
  • Customer revenue growth strategy
  • Financial Management
  • Financial restatement
  • Growth
  • Operational efficiency, strategy
  • Planning, budgeting, and forecasting
  • Strategy
  • Transactions
  • B.S in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University