

Success requires a change in thinking and execution, with strategies fine-tuned to customer and operational demands.

Strategy crafted for challenging realities


Finance & Operating Strategy

This involves a wide ranging review of the finance function, matching performance to business requirements and diagnosing areas for improvement across the finance landscape.

It includes the following offerings:

-Finance vision & strategy

-Finance business partnering

-Finance target operating model

-Finance organization design

-Finance transformational

-Quality Close & Integrating Reporting

-Finance Process Optimization

-Finance Function Benchmarking

-Finance Shared Services & Outsourcing

Enterprise-wide & Gowth strategy

Whereas our other expertise areas focus on specific business issues, our enterprise-wide strategy covers transformation in a broader sense.

Organizations may require assistance with their enterprise-wide strategy for a number of reasons. Different stakeholder interests are not aligned or do not provide for a clear direction.

There is a misaligned financial ambition, or a lack of a clear financial ambition around which to develop and implement a common strategy.

Disruptive external forces are impacting both business and operating models.

The company is running at less than the sum of its parts, due to unrealized synergies or significant inefficiencies.

The company seeks to create a long-term plan for success. KPMG Tunisia team assists clients with addressing the following questions in designing, planning and implementing their enterprise-wide strategies.

-How do I refresh my strategy, given recent changes in the market  dynamics? -How do I redefine my business and ensure we think strategically? -How do I improve internal/external perception of the business    and alignment between the ambition, business and operating  models? -How do I manage our portfolio and improve the role of the corporate centre?

Enterprise-wide strategy aligns the organization’s financial ambition, business model and operating model to maximize portfolio value and assist with the planning and implementation processes. 

Our approach therefore provides the overarching framework into which multi-year strategic planning, capital allocation model builds, strategic reviews, portfolio and synergy assessments, market research & feasibility studies, scenario planning, and other enterprise-wide services sit.

'Innovation to Results'

Today’s business world is constantly changing. Structural changes are driving sectors to converge and technology is a force for disruption. Alternative business models are emerging, as new entrants and substitutes reshape markets.

Our experience suggests that significant opportunity exists for organizations that are bold and seize change. But, change requires leadership, strong executive support and clear vision.

Our clients value our fresh industry insights, operational experience and technical skills to grow, enter new markets, create new business models and business plans, commercialise, and deal with financial challenges.

Leveraging our local and global network of functional specialists and in-market sector expertise, we bring to bear the full capability of KPMG in providing investor grade, pragmatic advice on critical commercial questions, such as:

-What are the most attractive ways to grow revenue and improve  margin? -Which new business models and vehicles can generate value  quickly? -Which target should we acquire or venture to accelerate growth,  and what  is the synergy it will generate? -Is our operating model and cost structure aligned to strategy, and  is it  scalable? -Do we have the right portfolio of businesses, assets and  capabilities, or do we need to acquire/build/divest?

Business Strategy

We leverage up-to-date market insight from a variety of different lenses to identify growth opportunities, develop superior business positioning, and to put human, physical and financial capital to work.

Operational strategy

We work with clients to help answer vital questions around operating model, pricing and performance visibility so that corporate objectives, strategy and operations are aligned and connected.


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